iPrint appliance stops communicating with identity source

Appliance 23.4.  People using printers that require authentication will randomly lose access to those printers.  They will not be able to login.  So far the only solution is to reboot the appliance.  Then everything comes back for a few weeks until the problem repeats itself.  Anyone have any thoughts?  I have run the iPrint appliance for years without any troubles and this version is the first to have this issue.

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    how do we get the ftf in the mean time?

    Open a support case, and in addition to a good description, include link to this thread with comment that it suggests there is an FTF they have available.


    Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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    I've been running the FTF for 14 days without any issues.  It usually takes 2-3 weeks for the problem to crop up on my system though, so I'm still giving it more time.  But hopefully this has resolved it.

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    Thanks Andy, I have done that yesterday just waiting on support to get back to me after sending them the iPrint-info logs

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    I have applied the FTF on one of our appliances and so far so good, although as Ken has said it does take up to two weeks to show itself. I had another appliance show the same issue but when I went to install the RPM on it I got a lot of errors saying the install conflicted with installed files.

    Preparing... ################################# [100%]
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/lib/authentication-1.0.0.jar from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/lib/azure-1.0.0.jar from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/lib/common-1.0.0.jar from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/lib/iprint-auth-launcher-1.0.0.jar from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/lib/iprint-ldap-admin-filter-1.0.0.jar from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/lib/ldap-admin-1.0.0.jar from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/lib/persistence-1.0.0.jar from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/lib/sync-1.0.0.jar from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/lib/web-1.0.0.jar from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/python/authenticator.pyc from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/python/iprint-auth-update.pyc from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/python/iprint-authorization.pyc from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64
    file /opt/novell/iprintauth/python/pyUtils.pyc from install of microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.6.7.1.x86_64

    Not really sure why this is as they are both on the same patch level as far as I can see 24.1 with all available updates.

    Hopefully they roll this fix out as a normal update soon.

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    Does anyone have this issue still, we applied the fix microfocus-iprint-auth-1.2.0-150400.170.1.x86_64.rpm supplied by support which fixed most of them but still have a couple of 24.2.1 appliances failing. I now have one that restarting the auth service or the appliance no longer gets it working and have been back and forth with OpenText support all day. Its very frustrating on a production enviroment with hundreds of users impacted.

    Output after trying to restart the service.

    iprint:~ # systemctl status iprint-auth.service
    iprint-auth.service - Microfocus iPrint Auth Service
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/iprint-auth.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2024-05-22 15:29:35 AEST; 802ms ago
    Process: 4677 ExecStart=/opt/novell/iprintauth/bin/iprint-auth-service.sh (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
    Main PID: 4677 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

    Any ideas would be appreciated as support seem to be a bit lost.

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    I thought the problem was fixed for us as everything seemed to go quiet.  But today I had users complaining about have to login multiple times again so I am reopening my support case!

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    Hi Ken,

    Support logged into my instance that wasn't fixed by a restart and had to drop the iPrint-Auth database for the ldap sync and I then recreated the Identity Source to our eDirectory server. Early days but it's still working fine now. Support did collect logs which they said they would check to see if they could see why the database was corrupted. Note this iPrint instance did have the fix applied before the latest issue happened.