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Manage Certificate


I use Iprint 5.0 appliance and i want to change the certificate by a certificate signed by our pki

What i don't understand is why the interface waht a .key file. He generate the CSR so he has the private key.

Why asking me for the private key ?



  • Suggested Answer


    Are you following the documentation? What is the exact error message and when?

    What files and extension are you getting back from the external CA?

    Are you using the option Upload the CA Signed certificates.?

    it used the /vastorage/conf/certs/vaserver.key

    I'll verify that the md5 sum in your CSR, private key and the certificate you've got back is the same. If they do not match,certificate is invalid and you'll get error when trying to upload it.

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    My CSR is correct. If from the pki i generate a PKCS12 with a passphrase instead i can upload it.

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