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Site OES Server Iprint and Mapped Drives problems


I have recently started management on a number of microfocus servers for a school district.  Yesterday we had a massive power outage and I have been successful getting the majority of

our servers back online and running.

I have one server though that after a reboot is having problems with Iprint and Mapped drives for users.  I restarted  tomcat / apache / and novell-ipsmd.service and still no iprint when going to address/ipp I get code - "An error occurred while trying to communicate with the Print Manager (502)"  I'm also having issues with the users at the facility with this server are having difficulties with mapped drives mapping when logging in some drives map correctly and some do not.

I have ran this test to ensure LDAP is working right on the server and it tested as it should -

OES 2018 SP1:
LDAPTLS_CACERT=/etc/opt/novell/certs/SSCert.pem /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ldapsearch -H ldaps:// -D cn=admin,o=emg -w novell -b o=emg -x cn=admin cn
I have checked a lot of things trying to find a cause for this behavior if you have any other things I can check that may help find the cause of this strange behavior it would be super appreciated.
Respectfully, Sean


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    The fastest way to getting this resolved is to open a case if you have those available.

    Checking LDAP is a good start, though I don't think that test will tell you if the cert is expired.  JXplorer tends to be a bit more helpful, and/or to test that cert directly with the command;
    openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text -in /etc/ssl/servercerts/servercert.pem
    which will show that cert's Validity date range.

    checking the /var/log/messages file for errors/fails is a good thing to spotting that first fail

    make sure eDir is up on the box, easy enough to test with
    ndsrepair -T
    to see that it sees the servers it should

    General LUM troubleshooting is the next step following TID 7002981  with additional bits in the OES Docs

    on the server, can you cd to /media/nss/VOLNAMES  and within those volumes?


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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    The fastest way to getting this resolved is to open a case if you have those available.

    Checking LDAP is a good start, though I don't think that test will tell you if the cert is expired.  JXplorer tends to be a bit more helpful, and/or to test that cert directly with the command;
    openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text -in /etc/ssl/servercerts/servercert.pem
    which will show that cert's Validity date range.

    checking the /var/log/messages file for errors/fails is a good thing to spotting that first fail

    make sure eDir is up on the box, easy enough to test with
    ndsrepair -T
    to see that it sees the servers it should

    General LUM troubleshooting is the next step following TID 7002981  with additional bits in the OES Docs

    on the server, can you cd to /media/nss/VOLNAMES  and within those volumes?


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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