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Site OES Server Iprint and Mapped Drives problems


I have recently started management on a number of microfocus servers for a school district.  Yesterday we had a massive power outage and I have been successful getting the majority of

our servers back online and running.

I have one server though that after a reboot is having problems with Iprint and Mapped drives for users.  I restarted  tomcat / apache / and novell-ipsmd.service and still no iprint when going to address/ipp I get code - "An error occurred while trying to communicate with the Print Manager (502)"  I'm also having issues with the users at the facility with this server are having difficulties with mapped drives mapping when logging in some drives map correctly and some do not.

I have ran this test to ensure LDAP is working right on the server and it tested as it should -

OES 2018 SP1:
LDAPTLS_CACERT=/etc/opt/novell/certs/SSCert.pem /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ldapsearch -H ldaps:// -D cn=admin,o=emg -w novell -b o=emg -x cn=admin cn
I have checked a lot of things trying to find a cause for this behavior if you have any other things I can check that may help find the cause of this strange behavior it would be super appreciated.
Respectfully, Sean


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    I would like to add this morning I have also ran through the steps located here to ensure NSS is working properly.  The drives are available and mounted.  I used nssmu to dismount all volumes and then remounted them, unfortunately my guess is these drives will continue to no map correctly because when I go into file explorer and navigate to these drives on the network and then try to access them I get a message that says - "Windows cannot access" and when I hit the diagnose button to see what windows will find it tells me windows cannot find the top level domain name.  Which this is strange behavior because no other servers in organization are having this issue at any other location.

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    I would like to add this morning I have also ran through the steps located here to ensure NSS is working properly.  The drives are available and mounted.  I used nssmu to dismount all volumes and then remounted them, unfortunately my guess is these drives will continue to no map correctly because when I go into file explorer and navigate to these drives on the network and then try to access them I get a message that says - "Windows cannot access" and when I hit the diagnose button to see what windows will find it tells me windows cannot find the top level domain name.  Which this is strange behavior because no other servers in organization are having this issue at any other location.

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