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iPrint Client loses credentials

On some workstations (BYOD, Win 10) with iPrint Client 6.21.04 (without Client for OES), users must re-enter their credentials each time they print to an iPrint printer. In the client, the option to save the password is set each time. Any hints on how users can permanently save their credentials?

Many thanks in advance.

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    I've looked at the data and it looks like the issue will appear if there is a newer version installed than the one the iPrint client wants to install.

    iPrint client will install 14.27.29016 but there was a newer already installed, 14.27.29112, hence the 1638 error.

    Engineering will need to add a check in code to avoid this scenario. 

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    Yep, that is what I was seeing.  Seems like a fairly basic thing so hopefully we get a corrected installer soon.