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Does anyone know how to install a GW client to the latest version GW18 and force a GW2014 view?

We have thousands of GW clients windows clients running the GW 2014 client. We need to force an upgrade to GW 18 but need to set the default view to GW 2014. Out of the pilot project we ran with the new client, the new GW 2018 view was not well received and we had to manually revert the view to GW 2014, turn off the conversation threading and disable the quick viewer.
I know that we can disable conversation threading and quick viewer at the PO. Does anyone know how to upgrade/install a GW client to the latest version GW 18 but force the view to GW 2014?
Or does anyone know when another client build will be released and if it will include this ability or any other solutions to this issue? 
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    Same here, everyone hates the threaded view, the "automatic viewer resizing" and the new look.

    I opened a support ticket and there is a new client being worked on 18.1.2. It's not much better. They said the ability to set the client view to GW14 at the PO level would be available in the next service pack.

    p.s. Don't use 4k monitors with the GW client, it goes wonky when you maximize it...