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Limit Mailbox Size doesn't work


I use GWMM in a GW 18 enviroment.

My goal is to limit mailboxsizes for many, but not for all users.

First I tried Multi-User-Model with selection of only 4 users for testing. The Tab Disk Space Management shows the Mailbox Size Limit (currently "0") and an empty checkbox "Mailbox Size Limit Locked".
But I cannot change any of these parameters, neither the value nor the checkbox. It only "reports". Ok.

So I went to Single User Mode:

But nothing can be changed here too. "Enviroment Settings" doesn't allow settings? GW Mailbox Management doesn't allow "management"?

Or is there an issue in my connection to our GW-system?

Thanks for help,


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    You are not alone, this settings is grayed out on my install too. I would open support ticket. 


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    Hello David,

    it seems, this forum isn't managed right by microfocus anymore? No answer after 28 days...

    The GWMM Software hasn't got any updates since about two years, i pay for maintenance that doesn't exist...

    Thanks  for your reply, now I know "I'm not alone" 



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    Holger - you are correct, unfortunately.  The stand alone application of Mailbox Management is no longer being maintained.  The functionality has been moved into Groupwise itself.  You will find it in the admin console.  Here is the documentation -  Please try the steps inside the admin console and if that doesn't work, please open a case.


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    Pam -  for me it looks like the documetation from the standalone version.

    Also, i can't see that all the functionality is in GW-Admin itself. 

    With GW-Admin i am not able to add a proxy, no Junk Mail HAndling, no reset folders and how change signatures (multi-user).

    But perhaps I lack the proper documentation to understand.


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    Pam -  for me it looks like the documetation from the standalone version.

    Also, i can't see that all the functionality is in GW-Admin itself. 

    With GW-Admin i am not able to add a proxy, no Junk Mail HAndling, no reset folders and how change signatures (multi-user).

    But perhaps I lack the proper documentation to understand.

