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View sent items without logging into the account

I have been asked to see who a user sent a message to without going into the account.  Is that possible.

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    Do you need internal or external mails.

    If external then it's easy. Your GWIA will deliver an account file to the accountant. The first column will tell you if it is inbound or outbound.

    If you are interested in all mails then it is easy too. I would try to run a gwcheck, Mailbox Statistics, - similar to this:



    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    Thanks for these instructions.  This is more info than I thought I could get but it doesn't list the recipients if they are blind copied.  Is there a way to get that?  The acct files are exactly what I want but for internal post office mail.

    Thanks in advance.
