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Do you have success with Blueprint?

I use Reload at many customer sites. Overall I am pretty satisfied with its stability and functionality.

However Blueprint causes problems in most installations. Sometimes Blueprint will not start, sometimes they never end and many cases delivered results are zeroed.
(Installing GW18.3 can cause even more problems for Blueprint)

I have opened a few cases - none of them has been solved. Some of them are similar to Sleeping Beauty.

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    ok, thanks. just wanted to make sure i manually had to add the cron.

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    to get blueprint sending mails every month put the following in in crontab -e

    0 0 1 * * /usr/sbin/blueprint -r po >> /var/log/blueprint.log 2>&1

    since blueprint is not using full path for sendmail you have to put the path variable in your crontab file. otherwise the sendmail command will fail.

    the cron will run at 0:00 on the first day of every month.

    so this working for the current gwdr on sles 15 sp3

    remember to adjust the postfix file to relay messages to gwia or any other relay you might use.

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    Nevertheless Blueprint should work without any workarounds! You and me and some more admins try to fix Blueprint issues which should not occur ...

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    Hi Diethmar,

    I´m experiencing problems with my Disaster Recovery Server and I would like to stop Blueprint from running, since we are not using it anyhow.
    Our Disaster Recovery Server is not responsive after running for a few days.
    How can I disable the Blueprint Service all together?

    Thank you and best regards,

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    Hello Anke,

    have you enabled any Blueprint generally?

    Are there any active Blueprint jobs?

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    I disabled it and it doesn´t run for 2 out of 3 POs

    But this one PO in the middle where it is running right now, I can´t stop it.

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    I assume you already used this:

    Restarting reload service did not help too?

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    Here is some command line activity:

    Use this and you will get an explanation which parameter you should use.

    Maybe /usr/sbin/blueprint -k or /usr/sbin/blueprint -k -r "PO middle"

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    On the PO in the middle it looks like this, while on the other POs it looks like your picture with the blueprint jobs.

    Yes, it´s been many times restarted and rebooted because it always becomes unreachable after a few days.

    I could stop it now with /usr/sbin/blueprint -k   and it stayed off even after a backup job, so I can hope it will not start again ;-)

    I will see if that solves the problems.

    Thank you very much,