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current SLES version support?

What is the highest version of SLES 15 used on your Reload/GWDR setup?

Preparing to build a new one, and between seeing in the docs (dated 2019!!!)  There is still support for SLES 11 32-bit and sufficient issues with python changes with the newest SLES15, we'd rather not just guess at which will be the best and get stung it is wrong for the newest GWDR.   Just trying with current SLES 15.4 is our default, but before we dive in, would like to hear other's experiences.


Andy of in Toronto
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    Thank you Pam

    Of course, with looking at this next step, we find that the old Reload (on SLES 11) has stopped working a couple of weeks ago, so forward we go as we work though getting this client's systems in to the 2020s after they stalled on that front a while back.


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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