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Does anyone know more about "TAR nice priority"?

One of my customers is using tarring for his GWDR files. Unfortunately tarring takes a long time for one of his post offices - almost 96 hours. Unfortunately no backup jobs will run for this post office in the meantime.

So I am checking which possibilities I have to solve this issue. I.e. there is one setting called TAR Command Linux nice Priority.

However there is no documentation for this. So I opened a case - but support has to ask development; support did not even know that this setting exists.

Therefore my question - who has experience with this setting or who knows how to use?

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    I'm gonna take a shot here, This would likely just be standard linux process nice priority in order to set and limit cpu resources assigned to the TAR process so that it doesn't bog the rest of the services down..  The lower you set this, the less cpu resources it gets


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    Yes, I have checked Linux documentation too. But you never know if designer/marketing/programmer had any other thoughts. Perhaps I ask Tay Kratzer directly Wink

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    You can, but I'm 99% certain that it's just the setting for standard linux nice on tar process with a default of 5. Kick it up to 7 or 8 and see if processes faster and doesn't choke rest of the server.  I'd bet it got added as a request from another customer in similar performance starved situation and was just never documented.


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    I will try it - this weekend. And I will come back with feedback on Monday or Tuesday ...

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    I tried different values - but did not get any useful changes in time ...

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