If the configuration of reload and its collector on the first node is done and successful tested, you want to install the GWDR-Collector at the other nodes. The documentation to do this is ...
I have archived this by a few simple lines at bash from each node where the collector should added.
Get the software and install.
# cd /root/inst-sys
# scp <reload-server>:/opt/beginfinite/reload/setup/collect/gwdr-collector.rpm
# zypper in gwdr-collector.rpm
(You get and hint the the package is not signed. Ignore this. Maybe some guy from MF will correct this)
Generate and distribute SSH-Key:
# ssh-keygen -t rsa
# ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub <reload-server>
Check connection (optional):
# ssh <reload-server>
Copy configuration:
# cd /opt/beginfinite/reload/conf/
# scp -r <1st-node>:/opt/beginfinite/reload/conf/* .
# scp <1st-node>:/opt/beginfinite/reload/license/reload.pem ../license/
Search specific configuration of the 1st-node:
# find -type f -exec grep -l <Seachstring> {} \;
Seachstring could be the IP-Address or the Hostname.
Tune configuration:
# find -type f -exec sed -i "s/<old>/<new>/g" {} \;
# find -type f -exec sed -i "s/" {} \; or
# find -type f -exec sed -i "s/1st-node/2nd-node/g" {} \;
(optional, Test)
# find -type f -exec grep -l <Searchstring> {} \;
Start the collector daemon:
# reloadd restart
Test if Web-UI is running:
# ss -tulpen | grep :5555
During the installation of the 1st node I used the hostname and IP-address of the GW-resource. (In this case there is only one ressource for all GW-PO and -DOM.)
If you have more than one GW-Resource it cloud be possible to run the GWDR-Daemon one time per resource. Check # /opt/beginfinite/reload/lib/code/gre --help for the cmd line parameters.