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Consultant's Corner: Upgrading to GroupWise 8 - Part 1: ConsoleOne, Schema, SDD


"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is." Yoda. Boy ain't that the truth. I found this out first hand in 2008 with the birth of my first child. Which would explain why I was so absent from article writing in 2008. I started out with great intentions but became overwhelmed with all things 'baby'.

Well I am back and am hoping to put together a 5 part series on upgrading to GroupWise 8. In this part 1, I will discuss the set up of ConsoleOne, Schema Extension while part 2 will be upgrading the Primary domain. I should mention that these articles will be for those with GroupWise on NetWare. My reason is because the majority of the current GroupWise install base is still running on NetWare. Ok let's get started.

NOTE: In the writing of this series Novell released GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 1 to fix some security issues with GWIA and WebAccess. I highly recommend the reader use this version to upgrade to GroupWise 8.

Upgrade Process

It's important that before an upgrade you have a firm plan in place and a process written that you can follow. I know it's extra work, however it's better to take the time so you can work through problems on paper before they become production. Here is my process outline for upgrading. Note those items in Bold are what is covered in this article.

  1. Install new ConsoleOne 1.3.6H

  • Install the GroupWise 8 Snapins into ConsoleOne 1.3.6H

  • Update eDirectory Schema.

  • Create a new GroupWise 8 SDD

  • Upgrade the Primary Domain

  • Upgrade the Post Office(s) Secondary Domain(s)

  • Upgrade the Post Office(s)

  • Upgrade the WebAccess Gateways Domain(s), if you have them.

  • Upgrade the WebAccess Gateway (s) -Agent and Application (Webserver)

  • Upgrade the GWIA Gateway Domain(s), if you have them.

  • Upgrade the GWIA Gateway(s)

  • Upgrade the GroupWise Client

This upgrade process is a Best Practice for upgrading GroupWise in general.

ConsoleOne and Snapins

GroupWise 8 comes with ConsoleOne 1.3.6H in the software. I highly recommend you simply install it from the GroupWise 8 software pack. ConsoleOne can be installed from the GroupWise 8 software in two ways. First you can run the SETUP.EXE from the root of the GroupWise 8 software. Or, you can browse through the GroupWise 8 software to the 'ConsoleOne' directory and select the 'Install.exe'.

Click to view.

Figure 1: GroupWise 8 Software

Running the ConsoleOne/Install.exe is the quickest way to get your new ConsoleOne. However, you have to manually add the GroupWise 8 Snapins. Manually adding the GroupWise 8 Snapins means copying file by file from each GroupWise 8/Admin/C1Admin directory. If you forget any files, ConsoleOne will likely error out.

If you chose to run the install from the GroupWise/Setup.exe Installation program you will have several screens to move through. The screens are in this order:

  1. GroupWise System Installation

  • Select: Install GroupWise System

  • Select: Yes for the License

  • Select: Standard and Next

  • Select: Install Individual Components and De-Select GroupWise Agents which leaves only GroupWise Administration selected. Next.

  • De-Select: Copy files to Software Distribution Directory (We will come back to this.) leaving Install Administration Files selected. Next

  • Select: Install ConsoleOne. Make sure to name a new location for the install. I like to run different ConsoleOnes so I never overwrite an existing ConsoleOne.

  • Select: Next, once ConsoleOne is installed, a summary screen will be presented.

  • Select: Install. This will kick off the GroupWise 8 Snapin installation. When its finished you can choose to "Save Settings for Future Installation" which will save this install as a text file you can use for a Pre-Defined Installation option.

  • Select: Finish.

You will now have ConsoleOne 1.3.6H installed and the GroupWise 8 Snapins will be added to that implementation of ConsoleOne. Here is the above installation process in picture format, of course I left out some of the simple screens, like License.

Click to view.

Figure 2: ConsoleOne Install with Snapins: Install Individual Components

Click to view.

Figure 3: ConsoleOne Install with Snapins: Install Administration Files

Click to view.

Figure 4: ConsoleOne Install with Snapins: Install ConsoleOne

Warning: When you launch ConsoleOne you may get a message that requests you change some Novell Client options. Make sure to make the changes and restart your workstation. See the picture below.

Click to view.

Figure 5: ConsoleOne Warning: Change Novell Client Property Settings

Updating Schema

Now that we have a working ConsoleOne with GroupWise 8 snapins we can proceed to update the eDirectory Tree in order to support GroupWise 8. Unlike GroupWise 7, GroupWise 8 actually does have new additions to eDirectory. It's very important you update your eDirectory schema to take advantage of the new additions and to manage GroupWise. A quick note on schema extensions. A Schema extension is an addition to the eDirectory database system. I highly recommend you make sure your eDirectory environment is in good shape, properly synchronized and free of errors. Look to for tips/tricks on doing eDirectory maintenance.

Here is the process to update the schema:

  1. Launch: ConsoleOne with GroupWise 8 snapins.

  • Select: The eDirectory Tree. This is KEY. If you just select an Organization or Organization Unit, it will not give you the schema option.

  • Select: Tools| GroupWise Utilities| Check eDirectory Schema

  • Read: The Schema changes that need to be made will be presented.

  • Select: Yes, to update the Schema

  • Repeat: This process a 2nd time to verify the snapins have updated the eDirectory schema.

Click to view.

Figure 6: Updating eDirectory Schema: Check eDirectory Schema

Click to view.

Figure 7: Updating eDirectory Schema: Schema Changes

Click to view.

Figure 8: Updating eDirectory Schema: Checking Again to Verify the Change

Create an SDD

A Software Distribution Directory (SDD) is used by the GroupWise system when additional installations of post offices, domains and gateways are done. It's also used to push the GroupWise client out to end users. Do you need an SDD? Yes. Do you need to run the Install program to set up an SDD? No. I like to manually create an SDD using ConsoleOne| Tools| GroupWise System Operations| Software Distribution Directory . It's here that I create a link to the GroupWise 8 software that is stored on a network drive. Unfortunately, the Installation program will force you to install an SDD when you upgrade any agent using the "Upgrade Existing System" option.

Now if you want to do the SDD install using the Installation program, then follow the same steps for Installing ConsoleOne, but when you get to the screen that asks: "Install Administration Files" and/or "Copy Files to Software Distribution Directory", just De-Select "Install Administration Files" and leave "Copy Files to Software Distribution Directory" checked. The installation program will walk you through the process and ask where you would like your SDD created, as well as what options you want installed. This MUST be a network drive. Also, you will want to install to a NEW directory, not an existing SDD directory.


At this point we have a working, snapped in ConsoleOne along with an extended schema and a working SDD. In addition, we laid out an upgrade process to follow. Your organization can use the process and wrap time lines and schedules around it to build a project plan for upgrading. Hopefully it has helped you understand and plan for the upgrade to GroupWise 8. In the next article, I will show you how to upgrade a Primary and Secondary domains to GroupWise 8. In the meantime, "Mind what you have learned. Save you it can!"

Got comments or article ideas? Need help GroupWise? Drop me a line at: "The Force is strong in this one."


How To-Best Practice
Comment List
  • Step 4 of the manual process for both the primary and secondary domains:

    "Copy: All files and directories from SDD\Agents\NLM to your 'load' directory such as sys:\system\gw8. This is the location where the MTA agent for the Secondary domain will load from and where its configuration file will be located."

    After perfoming this and trying to start my domain I received:

    Can not open language resource file GWVOL:SYSTEM\gwmta1EN.fil (8209)

    What I ended up having to do was copy the stuff out of the \language and \ldap subdirectories into the load directory (gwvol:system in my case).

    I'm not sure if this was just something that I've run into or if others will see it as well.

  • Step 4 of the manual process for both the primary and secondary domains:

    "Copy: All files and directories from SDD\Agents\NLM to your 'load' directory such as sys:\system\gw8. This is the location where the MTA agent for the Secondary domain will load from and where its configuration file will be located."

    After perfoming this and trying to start my domain I received:

    Can not open language resource file GWVOL:SYSTEM\gwmta1EN.fil (8209)

    What I ended up having to do was copy the stuff out of the \language and \ldap subdirectories into the load directory (gwvol:system in my case).

    I'm not sure if this was just something that I've run into or if others will see it as well.

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