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GroupWise and Nokia Intellisync

As you have already heard, Nokia has announced the discontinuance of the Intellisync suite of products, which Novell has OEMed as GroupWise Mobile Server. We did not receive any forewarning of this announcement, and it was equally a surprise to our Intellisync contacts within Nokia.

This leaves a lot of questions, some of which we are still working out the details to, however, Nokia will continue to support Intellisync Mobile Suite for an additional 2 years, and Novell still has distribution rights for the product. Content/home page/Floating_Renewal/Mobility_Voice_Customer_Letter.pdf

Obviously we need to come up with a strategy to continue to support your mobile devices going forwards, and we have already been working on that strategy for some time. The recent announcement from Nokia simply accelerates that strategy, which is not necessarily a bad thing. As we solidify the details we will be able to share that strategy more publically, but in the meantime please be assured that this is a top priority for the GroupWise team and Novell as a whole.


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