How enable user auto-provisioning


from my understanding of the documentation when enabling "User auto-provisioning" in the "Domain Management" with "Auto-provision roles = QMS User" this should lead to the creation of users when i.e. e-mails are filtered and put in the quarantine to be released via digest.

There are digests now delivered to users with working release from QMS, but the QMS and the whole SMG does not show additional users besides "admin".

Did I get that concept wrong?

In case I got that idea correct, my guess would be a problem with the LDAP-Authentification in the "Domain Management". Since I have LDAP working in GroupWise I assumed I have to enter the same parameters in "DN template / DN search base" like "ou=abc,o=xyz" (which I checked and found with Softerra LDAP Browser). Since I had no idea on what to enter in "Search pattern" I left that blank.

Any hint on this would be great.



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