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Hide internal IP of the GWIA


When I send mails to an external domain the message contains this:

0: FROM <receiving mail server/gateway IP>> (xxx.xx.xx.xx) BY <<receiving mail server/gateway>>  WITH ESMTP FOR; Tue, 7 Nov 2023 17:14:59 +0200
1: FROM <<internal DNS name of  the GWIA (internal address of the GWIA e.g. BY <<sending mailserver/gate>> WITH ESMTP FOR; Tue, 7 Nov 2023 17:14:59 +0200
2: from gate-MTA by <<sending domain>> with Novell_GroupWise; Tue, 07 Nov 2023 17:14:58 +0100

The internal addres of the GWIA is irrelevant for the receiver. And it causes sometimes the mails to end up in spam because of the IP reputation of an internal IP address. Is there a way to hide the internal IP of the GWIA either bij changing the GWIA settings or by changing the SMG settings?

  • 0

    Hi Jan,

    I am not aware of a way to do this.  Go ahead and put in an enhancement request in the Idea Exchange area for the product manager to take a look at.


  • 0

    Hi Jan,

    I am not aware of a way to do this.  Go ahead and put in an enhancement request in the Idea Exchange area for the product manager to take a look at.


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