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Idea ID: 2878401

Add the possibility to deactivate links in incoming Mails.

Status: Waiting for Votes

Links to malware sites are one of the most used way to infused malware into a company.

So we can place a mail relay in front of the gwia and do a lot of scripting to deactivate the links in all kind of mail (plain, html, ...)

But I think the right place for such is SMG.

Maybe OT will be start a short project for this? Shows links only as text; make it active via context menu and have a white list for trusted domains.

  • While the 'silver bullet' mentality says that a good web filter/proxy 'should' take care of it,
    A) they catch the already proven or highly suspected as bad, they tend to lean to allow things in.
    B) the bad actors make strong efforts for those first links to be safe, even if they then chain link to one off sites that do the bad things. 

    Making the not-yet-trusted (whitelisted) domains to not just be a click away, helps the users pause and think about the link. 

    Good security is a belt and suspenders, multi tiered defence approach, and this would add nicely to that.

    Issues to watch for any implementation of this:
    - to not mess up html display too badly
    - to know the difference between  and  so that a whitelisting of doesn't include the .bad one.


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

  • whitelist allowed domains would be great also!