• carrect syntax to move users with curl and rest api?

    Have anybody the correct and working syntax for a user move for me? I want move a lot of users from PO1 to PO2 with the command line to avoid a lot of clicking in the admin console. Thanks for any hint!
  • Is it possible to set an Out of Office rule in GroupWise with REST? If so how?

    Can I install an Out of Office Rule via REST in GroupWise? How is this done? Best regards, Anke
  • REST API failures: HTTP 401: This service has not been configured to run against a domain

    All REST API calls are failing with HTTP 401 and this message: This service has not been configured to run against a domain . I know the code is good because it works fine against my GW 18.3 environment. The new environment where it is deployed is GW…
  • How to rename a PostOffice in Groupwise with the REST-API?

    Hi readers, Did one yet tried that? Or can one advice me how to do that? Thank You.. (Summer in Berlin, 35 Degrees)
  • REST API Resource Visibility Change

    REST API Resource Visibility Change Good morning Customer is attempting to change the visibility of the Resources in the GroupWise system, in preparation to migrate to Office 365, without having to manually change each…
  • Rest API - Group membership changes not being returned by filter

    Hello, I am using a filter against a rest call I am making to a group as in .../list/group?filter=timeLastMod gt '1611757952000' I was expecting for the group whose members have been modified to be returned but it does not. I also tried ...…
  • XML Maps?

    Hi. I asked this in the normal discussion but it might be more appropriate for here. Is there a XML Map for Groupwise 18.2 ? So i've had some bits working and some not.... I'm trying to export my user / group / resources / nickname stuff to excel to be…
  • Sending HTTP Requests to an external API from GroupWise client

    Hi When i send an HTTP Request to and external API from my C3P0 registered on my GroupWise client, the connection to that API get disconnected and I'm uncertain why it disconnect. Can
  • REST API add ACL member to group with curl

    Hi Community, I'm looking for a solution to mass add ACL members to existing groups in GroupWise 18. In the SDK documenation I found this example: PUT localhost:9710/.../acl add=[{id=USER.testDom1.testPO1.testGroupMember4, rights=READ}, {id=USER.testDom1…
  • Rest API: Deleted objects

    Using the Rest API is there a way to query for objects that have been deleted such as: - Users deleted? - Groups deleted? - Group Memberships removed? I noticed that the results bring back a lastModifiedOp but we seem to be missing anything that has been…
  • REST API - Group versus DL

    When doing a rest call to retrieve groups, here is a test response I get: { "@type" : "group" , "@url" : "/gwadmin-service/domains/MyDomain/postoffices/MyPO1/groups/TestGroup1" , "guid" : "FF95F780-11AE-0000-816D-796464376638" , "id" : "GROUP…
  • Rest API - Querying for users modified

    Hello, Can some share how to query for users who have been modified from a certain date using the timeLastMod attribute, something to the effect of GET gwserver:9710/.../user 600790683000 Is there such a uri that can be used? Thanks.
  • REST API Problem: Check Security Failure: User is not in add on management role | GW 18.2.1 135777

    Hello, on creating a REST-API POST eg via curl or postman we get back the following error message: CLI: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><apiStatus xmlns:ns2="www.w3.org/.../httpStatusCode><statusMsg>Check Security Failure: User…
  • DBCOPY still the way to go, when move groupwise to another server?

    We want to move our GW14.2.x mailsystem to a new SLES12 GM18.2.x mailsystem. Are this DBCOPY command still the best way to get all the mail data over to the new servers ? For Postoffice: dbopy -m -p -f -k <source> <destination> for the first copy, and…
  • changing password via rest

    Is there a way to change an accounts password via Rest API? When I look at the documentation the password field is listed as a modifiable attribute, but when I execute the my web request I get a 200 success but the password on the account doesn't change…
  • REST operators

    I´m trying to work with REST API, but there are some missing parts in documentation. For example, there is possibility to filter data, like here https://www.novell.com/documentation/groupwise18/gwsdk_admin_rest_api/data/b12ypr4y.html , but besides of…
  • Can you Force GroupWise Users to Change Their Password?

    We use the Groupwise database for users and passwords and would like to force all users to change their password. Is there a way to do this with the REST API?
  • Access GroupWise Calendar Server (Caldav) with a Trusted Application Key

    Hello, I want to access our GroupWise Calendar Server (Caldav) with a Trusted Application Key, is this possible? If so how? An application is supposed to read and prepare calendars of certain users. Preparing calendars via SOAP seems too complex to me…
  • Admin REST API update of internetDomainName exclusive --> false

    I'm trying to use the REST API to remove (on external users) Internet Addressing override. I do a REST PUT to the user, with <internetDomainName><inherited>true</inherited><exclusive>false</exclusive></internetDomainName> and I do receive a '200 OK' in…
  • Retrieving task attachment

    I have an application that is downloading email and attachments. One email has an attachment of content-type "task" ItemReference=1. So I retrieve this by using getItemRequest instead of getAttachmentRequest. The result of this is another .xml file. This…
  • Interpretting the values returned by /allproxies

    Is there any documentation for the values in the numeric fields (<access>, <writeAccess>, etc) returned by /allproxies? I cant find anything describing these in the docs under gwadmin-service. I have them loosely figured out but working from actual documentation…
  • Requesting all users in the system via REST

    I was given a CSV of a bunch of users and I need to make GroupWise users for them. Since there is no native import functionality, I am automating it with a Python app using an old CoolSolutions post as a jumping off point. The issue I've hit is that if…
  • How to create a messenger user over REST API

    Hello Members, I would like to create messenger users and then associate them with GW users over REST API. According to the documentation I need to do a POST operation to this url "/domains/{domain}/postoffices/{postoffice}/users/{user}/messengerlink…
  • Having trouble with a difference between Perl and CURL

    I have a cURL command that works fine, for both enable login and disable login against my primary domain GroupWise admin service. Both look like this: curl -k --user user:password -X PUT server:9710/.../TheUser -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data…
  • Use Rest-API to report User's Send Message Size?

    Can use Rest-API to get a report of all User's Disk Space Management client send options? I dumped Client Options, but could not find the Send Tab, Disk Space Management values. I know the GWIA send limits via Access control, class of service, but can…