• Is there a GroupWise Product Webinar today?

    I haven't received any of the reminder emails. I'm wondering if I have to re-register because it's a new year?
  • GroupWise Support for Windows Server 2025

    When will GroupWise be supported on Windows Server 2025?
  • Instruction on decommissioning GroupWise & Retain

    Does anyone have any instructions on how to decommission GroupWise and Retain? I want to be able to keep the history mailboxes on both systems. Do I also need to keep the license current after the decommissioning for both systems?
  • IDN Domain in a GroupWise System

    IDN domains - i.e. internationalized domains - have been available for use since 2003. IDN domains include all domains that contain characters that do not belong to the standard character set ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)…
  • GroupWise Messenger Poll

    To submit answers for each question, you must click "Vote" on each question.
  • GMS + Advanced Authentication + iPhone Setup (androids are ok)

    Here is our story: Finally migrated to GMS 24.1 and added Advanced Authentication. We had a hard time getting it to work due to the password requirements. So, for android devices we needed to enter the password as: [Password] "&" [TOTP] For apple…
  • error recover deleted messages from Restore Area in GWDR (Reload)

    Hello GW faimily!, we are having the following issue when we are trying to recover deleted messages from RELOAD backups. We are not being able to restore messages from the GAC or also from the GWclient, always with the same reported error in the POA…
  • can't restore deleted messages from GWDR (Reload)

    Hello GW family!, we are having the following issue when we are trying to recover deleted messages from RELOAD backups. We are not being able to restore messages from the GAC or also from the GWclient, always with the same reported error in the POA logs…
  • Released patches page for GW broken

    We use https://kmviewer.saas.microfocus.com/#/?product=GroupWise page to track latest GW pathes, but OT does not update it past Groupwise 18.3 version ? Other products like ZCM work fine. Regs Mare Selan
  • Can I make create copy (.eml) default?

    We would like this setting to be the default for our users: I can´t set this in the client options in GWadminConsole. Is it possible to set this as a default during installation or later from outside of the client? Thank you an best regards, Aspi
  • Disable external links in received mails

    Is there a way to disable external links in received mails?
  • GroupWise SSO with Azure / Entra joined device

    Hi everyone, I am currently trying to make GroupWise SSO work with an Azure/Entra joined device. So the device is not domain joined, it is only Entra joined. But has line of sight to the domain controllers so it actually receives the Kerberos TGT…
  • GroupWise is slowing down

    I had today talk with my customer and he told me, that the GroupWise system is during the years slowing down very significantly. Now it takes 10 - 15 seconds to open an text only email. Which wasn't case, when we did big upgrade from GroupWise 8 to GroupWise…
  • Problems after activating Advanced Authentication

    GroupWise 18.5, Advanced Authentication 6.4.2 We had tested GW and AA for several month with a few users - everything worked fine. After activating this for all users we see two strange problems that I did not see before. Currently this is only a time…
  • GroupWise agents in container ?

    If I make new install of GroupWise 23.4 and look into /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/share there are config files for agents, but only for running in container. This is some preparation for next releases , which will run in Docker ?
  • iManager GroupWise plug-in

    do we get GroupWise plugin in UMC or Identity Console ?
  • Teams is to be integrated into GroupWise.

    Currently, you can display events with a rule in the Teams calendar. How will the synchronization be handled in the future?
  • Groupwise Client 18.3 silent install multi language

    Dear Community, currently iam getting a little bit stuck in my automation efforts. we are using a WDS to deploy our windows clients. i´ve got different installation options, but iam unsure, how to use the right one. i wann install the client with…
  • Is it possible to set an Out of Office rule in GroupWise with REST? If so how?

    Can I install an Out of Office Rule via REST in GroupWise? How is this done? Best regards, Anke
  • Stuck messages in the Post Office\wpscsin\ofs\5 directory

    We have a large number of Stuck messages in Post Office\wpscsin\ofs\5 directory and the \wpscsin\ofs\4 messages are being processed slowly. I have doubled the number of Message Worker Threads for the Post Office agent as per Large number of messages…
  • GroupWise Admin console, and click on the Messenger object, I get a PKIX certificate error

    With GroupWise 18.4.2, the error that appears in the Admin console is: Error communicating with resource (https://<messenger_fqdn>:8315/hosts?Preload=100&Limit=5000&IDsOnly=true): javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun…
  • how to change/add the domain from old.com.au to new.local

    Is it possible to add or change the current domain name from old.com to new.local on groupwise?
  • calendar layouts

    While reading this: https://portal.microfocus.com/s/article/KM000013509?language=en_US I wondered where these layouts come from: And what's the difference between "Monat" and "Monat (Standard)"? We do not see the problem described in the document…
  • Groupwise gwcalsvr keystore error

    Using GWise 18.4.2 Server with multiple IPs GWise MTA/POA run on one IP GWCALSVR run on another IP We use commercial wildcard certificates after upgrade gwcalsvr does not start In the /var/log/novell/groupwise/calsvr/calsvr.log we see…
  • How do I stop GW web mail running on SUSE linux server and install docker instead

    2 part question. Part 1, I want to stop GW WebAccess on the current server and install docker. I'm currently running GW WebAccess version 18.2. How do I do that if it's possible? What is the command to start docker the command on the new server…