I have a Groupwise 24.3 system and the Groupwise partition is nearly full. The partition is XFS inside a SLES 12 VM. The hypervisor host is Hyper-V. Would this work to expand the XFS partition?
1) Backup VM
2) Shutdown VM
3) Use Hyper-V tools to expand virtual disk by 100 GB
4) Boot VM
5) Once booted, shutdown all Groupwise services
6) Unmount the Groupwise partition: umount /opt
7) Use parted to increase size of the partition: parted /dev/sdc resize 1 100%
8) Remount the partition: mount /dev/sdc1 /opt
9) Grow partition size to match drive size: xfs_growfs /opt
10) Operation now complete. Start Groupwise services.
Thoughts? Am I missing any steps?