Moving Messenger and Secondary Domain

I have messenger and a 2ndry Domain running on a VM that will not itself migrate to a new server. So I have created a new VM. I need to manually install Messenger on new VM and install and new secondary domain. Everything is running on CE 24.3.

I have reviewed posts from in April when I posed questions about moving primary domain to a VM. Still intend to do it, but as long as hardware is doing well, I just am setting everything up as described here at which is very complete. I figure if hardware begins to fail, I can quickly move backup data if not live data to new VM.

But back to moving Messenger and Secondary domain. Should I first delete the Messenger link and current secondary domain in Admin Console? Install Messenger as a new Messenger link with new name, and install a third domain? Then delete entries for VM which is being retired? I could assign same IP or a new one. Either is easy to do.

It should be fairly easy. I saw some old posts referencing ver 18, but quite a few changes since then.

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