Attempting to monitor GWIA via SNMP on 64 bit server but when you put the required dlmod Gwsnmp /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/lib/
in the snmp.conf file, snmp fails to start. Anyone else find a work around for this?
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IT Operations Cloud
Attempting to monitor GWIA via SNMP on 64 bit server but when you put the required dlmod Gwsnmp /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/lib/
in the snmp.conf file, snmp fails to start. Anyone else find a work around for this?
what is the core os SLES 12 SPx or SLES 15 SPX
“You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei
It is SLES 15 SP4
I have to add another question: which GW version?
I can remember there were issues with older GW versions ...
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Currently running GW18.1
Running LDD against the file generates
undefined symbol: snmp_free_varbind (./
undefined symbol: read_module (./
undefined symbol: snmp_set_var_typed_value (./
undefined symbol: shutdown_mib (./
undefined symbol: init_mib (./
undefined symbol: send_trap_vars (./
undefined symbol: add_mibdir (./
undefined symbol: snmp_set_var_objid (./
undefined symbol: snmp_log (./
undefined symbol: netsnmp_register_handler (./
undefined symbol: netsnmp_create_handler_registration (./
undefined symbol: init_mib_internals (./
undefined symbol: snmp_varlist_add_variable (./
undefined symbol: snmp_vlog (./
Have you seen this ...
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Thanks. Looks like we will have to go the upgrade route to resolve.
Please remember that from GW 18.5 there may be a topic with certificates. There are many references to this in the forum. In GroupWise itself, the server FQDN must be set everywhere instead of IP (there is only one exception), it may be that the GroupWise internal CA has to be redone, here it must be strictly ensured that in the Self Signed certificate in the CN the server FQDN is to be found instead of the IP and GroupWise WebAccess goes as far as I remember up to version 18.3.
If WebAcess is absolutely necessary, there is a post here on how this can be implemented.
@ Diethmar, thanks you were quick again, I wanted to know the Core OS first and then see if the Core OS is released for the GroupWise version. cessary, there are also hints here in the forum, otherwise you have to deal with GW Web.
“You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei
I dropped snmp monitoring of gw agents a long time ago. Too cumbersome. However gw agents have all the stats available in xml format, and most of them display the correct information, only some of it is wrong.
For example:
curl -s -k -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "Accept: text/xml" -X GET --user-agent "GWMonitor" --user $username:$password https://$serverfqdn:7181
I wrote my own script to filter the important data and push it to our monitoring system.
I have some customers who check and watch GW agents with CheckMK.
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