GroupWise Client 24.3 Home Folder

Over many years of using GroupWise, I've always told users to ignore the Home Folder feature. We have a user wanting to use it. It seems not to work as described, however.

For example, user set up a panel named Mail, and selected folder Mailbox. Her actual Mailbox folder had 10 messages, but in the panel, the Mailbox folder shows 20 days worth of messages (hundreds of messages).

If you set the panel to a different folder, for example Junk Mail, the panel and the actual Junk Mail box show the same small number of messages.

It seems that messages that rules have moved from Mailbox and placed in created folders for organizational purposes, are still showing up in the panel as if no rule has operated on the messages. Obviously, making the Home Folder feature useless.

Is this just the way Home Folder operates?  If so, we'll just tell the user to ignore the feature. Just seems odd.

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    I love panels.

    I do not use my GroupWise without panels. Therefore I assume that you use it in the wrong way.

    You have mentioned that you have created a panel pointing to folder Mailbox. The new panel shows what is stored in Mailbox. However did you consider that Mailbox does not only contain inbound mails but outbound mails too.

    To keep it simple for most of our users Mailbox shows only incoming mails. And 'Sent Items" shows only mails that you have sent. Nevertheless both kind of messages are 'stored' in Mailbox. Smart filters help us to see it in different folders. If you create a new 'view' (=one of your panels) and point to folder Mailbox then you will see all of them at once - except you use filters ...

    There is so much power in panel views. I tell my power user how to use it!

    I love panels!

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    +1   in reply to   

    I'll give you two examples.

    The first panel has four fields - always pointing to the same folder Mailbox. But you see different contents because of filters.

    My second example is more useful Innocent

    What do I have to do today, this week ... which tasks are overdue ...

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  • Verified Answer

    +1   in reply to   

    I'll give you two examples.

    The first panel has four fields - always pointing to the same folder Mailbox. But you see different contents because of filters.

    My second example is more useful Innocent

    What do I have to do today, this week ... which tasks are overdue ...

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