gwcalsvr in Groupwise 24.3 build 145961 (newer than released version)

who can help by configuring gwcalsvr? The OT-Support is not able for the moment!!! Yes, i had open a case

by the command ./configure i see errors?

2024-07-22 16:50:21 log [INFO] Logging initialized @1281ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
2024-07-22 16:50:21 PropertiesConfig [INFO] Loading configuration from file: /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr/gwcalsvr.cfg
2024-07-22 16:50:21 ConnectionTester [INFO] Connected successfully to with status 500
2024-07-22 16:50:21 SetUIDListener [INFO] Opened ServerConnector@7df587ef{SSL, (ssl, http/1.1)}{:9443}
2024-07-22 16:50:21 SetUIDListener [INFO] Setting GID=118
2024-07-22 16:50:21 SetUIDListener [INFO] Setting UID=113
2024-07-22 16:50:21 Server [INFO] jetty-9.4.53.v20231009; built: 2023-10-09T12:29:09.265Z; git: 27bde00a0b95a1d5bbee0eae7984f891d2d0f8c9; jvm
2024-07-22 16:50:21 StandardDescriptorProcessor [INFO] NO JSP Support for /, did not find org.eclipse.jetty.jsp.JettyJspServlet
2024-07-22 16:50:21 session [INFO] DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
2024-07-22 16:50:21 session [INFO] No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
2024-07-22 16:50:21 session [INFO] node0 Scavenging every 600000ms
2024-07-22 16:50:22 ContextHandler [INFO] Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@4f936da8{GroupWise Calendar Server Config,/,file:///opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr/webapps/davcfg/,AVAILABLE}{/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr/webapps/davcfg}
2024-07-22 16:50:22 Runner [ERROR] Error configuring or starting webapp

in the gwcalsvr.cfg file there is reference to 3 files:

dav.keystore.path=/etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr/jetty.jks -> file not in directory
dav.truststore.path=/etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr/trust.jks -> ok 
npns.keystore.path=/etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr/npns.jks -> file not in directory

The NPNS certificate can be downloaded from, but here we don't have access (i had send the non-access message to ot-support)

how can i create valid keystore file in format jks, also a trustsotre as format jks

in gwcalsvr.cfg i had change the dva.port to 8443

i remember to had a running gwcalsvr on gw24.2, but since any tries and tests no chance to become this running for the moment

Thanks for help, tipps and proposition!


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    Yes, Claude.

    These files should here:
    # ll /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr/
    gwcalsvr.cfg gwcalsvr.jks npns.jks trust.jks
    gwcalsvr.cfg.example gwcalsvr.jks.bak npns.jks.bak trust.jks.bak

    Maybe you can try to rename directory /opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr and start a new configure.

    Nevertheless you will need to have access to After a microfocus redirected login you should be able to land there. So support has to solve your login issue first!

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    Thanks Diethmar, you was near the solution with renaming the directory /opt/novell/goupwise/calsvr, but better is /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr

    we have take a other choice to remove all files in the directory /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr

    the solution after Installation from gw24.3 newest build was:
    1. remove all files gwcalsvr.cfg, gwcalsvr.jks, npns.jks, trust.jks from Directory /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr
    2. don't use gwcalsvr.cfg.example as template for gwcalsvr.cfg (this was my great error!)
    3. stop gwcalsvr with gwcalsvr stop
    3. look with lsof -i:8443 and lsof -i:9443 if the port are active, then ot stop the process behind the Services
    if active kill the process with kill -9 pid-number
    4. run ./configure from directory /opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr
    5. after the Installation is finished go to the browser and continue configuration on https://ip-address:9443
    on oes-server change port 443 to 8443 and complete the configuration with certificates, user, etc
    Klick on button "run scan" under Connectity test and by result "No Errors" push the Button "Save" to save
    your configuration
    6. Restart apache2 with rcapache2 restart and tomcat with rcgrpwise-tomcat restart

    after configuration you will find the files gwcalsvr.cfg, gwcalsvr.jks, npns.jks, trust.jks

    A other trouble a see is on *.conf or *.cfg files for customer/administrator that are longer user/administrator for this products. Since time the are newer files copied during the installation, but without information for critical changes in this files. Here must OT take more care!!!

    And there is no documentation how to configure the certificates (with password, without password) for the calsvr. we have not find any detailled informations

    now i can access my calendar on mac computers, also with coming osx 15

    Great thanks to Georg Weber, that take any time to help remote and over phone another gw-fan & novell & OES & sles & Filr & Vibe & Zenworks & ZSD & Teamworks & AA & many other products, we are all crazy!

  • 0 in reply to   

    Thanks Diethmar, you was near the solution with renaming the directory /opt/novell/goupwise/calsvr, but better is /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr

    we have take a other choice to remove all files in the directory /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr

    the solution after Installation from gw24.3 newest build was:
    1. remove all files gwcalsvr.cfg, gwcalsvr.jks, npns.jks, trust.jks from Directory /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr
    2. don't use gwcalsvr.cfg.example as template for gwcalsvr.cfg (this was my great error!)
    3. stop gwcalsvr with gwcalsvr stop
    3. look with lsof -i:8443 and lsof -i:9443 if the port are active, then ot stop the process behind the Services
    if active kill the process with kill -9 pid-number
    4. run ./configure from directory /opt/novell/groupwise/calsvr
    5. after the Installation is finished go to the browser and continue configuration on https://ip-address:9443
    on oes-server change port 443 to 8443 and complete the configuration with certificates, user, etc
    Klick on button "run scan" under Connectity test and by result "No Errors" push the Button "Save" to save
    your configuration
    6. Restart apache2 with rcapache2 restart and tomcat with rcgrpwise-tomcat restart

    after configuration you will find the files gwcalsvr.cfg, gwcalsvr.jks, npns.jks, trust.jks

    A other trouble a see is on *.conf or *.cfg files for customer/administrator that are longer user/administrator for this products. Since time the are newer files copied during the installation, but without information for critical changes in this files. Here must OT take more care!!!

    And there is no documentation how to configure the certificates (with password, without password) for the calsvr. we have not find any detailled informations

    now i can access my calendar on mac computers, also with coming osx 15

    Great thanks to Georg Weber, that take any time to help remote and over phone another gw-fan & novell & OES & sles & Filr & Vibe & Zenworks & ZSD & Teamworks & AA & many other products, we are all crazy!
