How to uninstall GroupWise 24.2.0 on Linux server

Good evening, 

Wanted to start my installation of GroupWise over again, things went beyond messed up, but when I try to run the installation/configuration again it keeps hanging on trying to start the previous GW adminserver, which of course is not there any longer, is there a way to remove the GW software without having to destroy the whole OES 23.4 server? 

I ran the installation which completes successfully but then when I go to configure the second try that's where it is hanging. 

Thank you 

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    i don't find your simlar thread, Diethmar!

    i want to take a look, but any files must bei secured as the postoffice, the domain and may be configuration files

    what is you experience for this?

    The thread from Georg is the base for uninstall and i must give him right for warning with port confict on a oes23,x/24.x server with ldap/ldpas and other ot applications as messenger or docker webaccess or kanaka
