How to uninstall GroupWise 24.2.0 on Linux server

Good evening, 

Wanted to start my installation of GroupWise over again, things went beyond messed up, but when I try to run the installation/configuration again it keeps hanging on trying to start the previous GW adminserver, which of course is not there any longer, is there a way to remove the GW software without having to destroy the whole OES 23.4 server? 

I ran the installation which completes successfully but then when I go to configure the second try that's where it is hanging. 

Thank you 

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    So I was able to finally get the software to re-install but after a few minutes it did the same thing as previously, in the gwadmin-console the MTA shows a red X reporting that it's not running yet when I do the rcgrpwise status it says it is running 

    What is going on with this application?

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    First of all, the question is which GroupWise modules are installed so that you know how to dismantle backwards.

    If it is 100% clean look into the of GroupWise. There you can see that on the one hand "normal" GroupWise modules and lagacy modules are installed. In addition to the normal GroupWise modules, further scripts are called in, e.g. In the script you will find which rpms are installed, what is additionally installed and which syslinks and directories are created. The scripts also show which startup scripts are created and how other modules e.g. Apache / Tomcat are provided with extensions or configurations are changed. Now you have everything together and can then assemble an

    The quick variant is to remove the start script either with chkconfig or systemcl, then rpm -qa | grep -i groupw, and you will get something like this:

    rpm -qa | grep -i groupw

    rpm -e each module individually

    then delete directories from GroupWise that are known.That was it.With the quick method, however, there may be rework at some later work

    The GroupWise rpm should also be found in Yast, where they can also be removed

    When I want to uninstall GroupWise, I actually do everything by hand and use the install scripts of the modules to remove everything 100%.


    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

  • 0   in reply to   

    First of all, the question is which GroupWise modules are installed so that you know how to dismantle backwards.

    If it is 100% clean look into the of GroupWise. There you can see that on the one hand "normal" GroupWise modules and lagacy modules are installed. In addition to the normal GroupWise modules, further scripts are called in, e.g. In the script you will find which rpms are installed, what is additionally installed and which syslinks and directories are created. The scripts also show which startup scripts are created and how other modules e.g. Apache / Tomcat are provided with extensions or configurations are changed. Now you have everything together and can then assemble an

    The quick variant is to remove the start script either with chkconfig or systemcl, then rpm -qa | grep -i groupw, and you will get something like this:

    rpm -qa | grep -i groupw

    rpm -e each module individually

    then delete directories from GroupWise that are known.That was it.With the quick method, however, there may be rework at some later work

    The GroupWise rpm should also be found in Yast, where they can also be removed

    When I want to uninstall GroupWise, I actually do everything by hand and use the install scripts of the modules to remove everything 100%.


    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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