Connection problems to GroupWise Mobility Service with Samsung Email app


We have problems with Samsung app Email connectivity to GMS similar described in this KB7024437.

"What typically get changed is login name being swapped by email address and also Exchange server settings is modified. Sometimes this cannot be even changed."

Could please send me update about this issue.



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    Good Day...any updates on these please..we running Version: 24.2 Build: 11249, All worked perfectly..then it seems Samsung devcies had updates yestarday..sinc ethen the dont even REACH the GMS server (last sync time) is 24 plus ..other mobile devices still connect fine si not that any settings on the devices for the exhaange conenction changed..all are still as it always were..

    ANy ideas ..suppose soemthig must then change on the cellphsne again to allow connection if they now cant even reach the server..


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    Lets keep the info in the new post you opened for the issue you see, this post is for a lot earlier 18.3 version which is not supported anymore.

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