GroupWise SSO with Azure / Entra joined device

Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to make GroupWise SSO work with an Azure/Entra joined device.

So the device is not domain joined, it is only Entra joined. But has line of sight to the domain controllers so it actually receives the Kerberos TGT.

The problem is, the client does not receive the Kerberos ticket for the groupwise SPN (service principle name).

If I join the device to the onprem AD, everything works fine, the ticket for groupwise gets granted and I am able to login seamlessly.

Does anyone have an idea or experience what can be done here?



PS: The reason behind going the Entra way is I want to implement a way for our users to work in office and mobile / in home office as seamlessly as possible.

  • 0

    Does anybody else have any idea and/or experience with that? I have a question open over there at Microsoft but currently waiting for a response there aswell.

    Should I reach out to OT support? Since it is a very uncommon "issue" I fear the case will take forever to reach a certain level of escelation...

  • 0

    Does anybody else have any idea and/or experience with that? I have a question open over there at Microsoft but currently waiting for a response there aswell.

    Should I reach out to OT support? Since it is a very uncommon "issue" I fear the case will take forever to reach a certain level of escelation...

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