Broken Firewall on GMS 24.1 and SLES 15 SP5

Wondering if anybody else could check their systems and see if the SLES firewall is broken after GMS 24.1 installation.    I noticed this today on a system and have confirmed that it's a problem on multiple GMS 24.1 systems. However I don't know where the problem was introduced because I wasn't looking for it.  It could have been an issue with GMS 23.4 as well.  

This is on fully patched SLES 15 SP5 with GMS 24.1 build 1141.   I'm not seeing it on non-GMS servers running GroupWise agents..  So it seems to have a correlation to a GMS install, and probably something to do with python. 

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    I've discovered I have this issue too, firewalld is failed exactly as shown in the OP

    I'm debating whether I care enough to open a case to get the FTF or just wait for 24.2.  there's a whole other firewall between the GMS server and the internet, so I guess it doesn't really matter

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    So the FTF will fix it and it will work moving forward but there is a new issue to be aware of where SLES updates break GMS due to more python issues. Those are not quite resolved. I would probably hold off until the get that one taken care of as well.   Seems like the relationship between GMS and Python is a real humdinger.. 

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    Every other zypper run (when there are updates to python) will re-link "python3" to the Core OS supplied latest patch release of Python3.6, whereas GMS added (again, improperly, what else is new?) Python 3.11 to the OS, and linked that to "python3".

    Every time Python 3.6 gets linked back, GMS goes belly up.

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    Costs me at least half a hour, to get to this conclusion and to solve it.

    I changed the Python version in "/opt/novell/datasync/common/bin/" ("dspython" and "dspython_real_binary" variables) to "$dspython_directory/bin/python3.11" in order to get it working again, but this is ugly as hell. Why is such stuff not monitored..

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    Costs me at least half a hour, to get to this conclusion and to solve it.

    I changed the Python version in "/opt/novell/datasync/common/bin/" ("dspython" and "dspython_real_binary" variables) to "$dspython_directory/bin/python3.11" in order to get it working again, but this is ugly as hell. Why is such stuff not monitored..

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