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GMS 18.4.1 Build 951 Groupwise Group configuration - access control

I'm building a new mobility server on SLES 15 SP4. 
I have it connected to a GroupWise Group, visiblity is system, and it loaded users. I also changed access control of people who can modify this group, and added administrators to give them this functionality, tested it etc, All seems to be working.

I then made some changes to this group in the GW admin console (ie access control - added users to people who can send to this group) and again only added administrators who are allowed to send to this group (so to prevent the entire organization from being able to send to this group..)

However, after I made this change and changed some notification settings on GMS, restarted GMS - the users disappeared.

I removed the users from access control - people who can send to this group - and restarted gms - and the users came back.

Is this as designed? We cannot change the access control of who can send to the group for mobility to read it?

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    i can confirm what catia had write. I had become the same information from mf-support.

    Build 931 is the latest, 928 is in the customer portal!

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    I just realized that this Issue was either not fixed, or it is back in the current GMS18.4.2 Builds 985 to 987.

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    We have not had any other reports of this being broken again in build 987.  Would you open a case on this so we can look into it?  Thanks, Pam

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    hi Pam, I've opened a case for this, slightly different than what's posted here, but still having issues with  groups added in mobility (not updating remove/adds from the group)   - also tested it with the new update as well 18.4.2 build 984 - same issue.

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    That's odd, cause I can dupe it on every GMS server I have. Make a GW group, add some users, and add access control to the group so that only certain users can send mail to it. Try to use that group as user source in GMS. You can add it, but absolutely nothing happens, no users will be added.
    OTOH, I don't think it's odd you don't get many reports of it, because I don't think many customers use the access control feature.

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    if you remove the access control does mobility re-sync all the users ?  Or does it just allow  the groups to update properly again?   Im concerned if I remove the access control it will remove the group from the production server and then I have to add the group back in  wait for accounts to sync again. 

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    I did see it come in this afternoon just before my shift ended, Catia.  Let me know if you have any problems with it.

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    Massimo - would you email me your duplication steps?  Thanks Pam

  • Suggested Answer

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    Yes, this is the defect that I found earlier in December and mentiomed to devs,within previous defect however, did not write extra defect / TID on this topic. So I did now. A workaround is to use a GAL user (only) which you defined in GMS configuration -> Configuration -> Device -> Address Book User.

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    My GMS address book user is the same user who is listed in the access control  for the group and it does not sync.. Is this what you mean for the workaround ? If so it doesn’t work.