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GW 2012 Test System Setup Problems


I am totally new to groupwise.
I am trying to install a GW 2012 test system.

I tried this several times on Windows 2008 R2 and Linux on VMWare ESXi, without any success.
I searched the internet and this forum for any info but I am stuck.

I can install eDirectory, Novell Client and ConsoleOne

I tried many different settings in eDirectory setup (i.e.):

Tree Name: TESTING

Server: WIN-GW2012-NDS\novell\.com

Admin Name: admin

Admin Context: novell.\com
Password: novell

After installation of the Novell client I cannot login to the client or ConsoleOne.
I tried different values, but I get: Server not found, Tree not found or wrong context.

Is there any step-by-step instruction for setting up a test system?

What are the right values?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
  • 0
    I would suggest not naming any of the components of object names with periods, that is inherently bad. The escaped period in novell\.com is most likely the unexpected part. This isn't active directory, so there is none of the glorified DNS style naming, unless you want to torture yourself.

    When you create your tree, make two organizations ( o=... ) at the top level. This is not best practice naming, but it will work and be simple.

    -- O=Netadmin <-- Stuff your eDirectory server here when you install the new tree.
    -- O=GroupWise <-- Stuff your GroupWise objects here, when asked during the GW portion of the installation.

    Place your server in the O=Netadmin container, give it a simple name, like "GW" Now you have eliminated all the silly punctuation problems you might encounter.

    -- Bob
  • 0 in reply to 
    Thank you for your quick answers. I will try your suggestions.
  • 0 in reply to 
    Thank you all for your support. We stopped the project today.
    Maybe I will try your suggestions in the future.
  • 0 in reply to 
    managedata wrote:

    > Thank you all for your support. We stopped the project today. Maybe I will try
    > your suggestions in the future.

    Almost always on a stand-alone Windows or Linux server with eDirectory, I resort
    to putting the server IP address in the box for the tree name when logging in -
    seems to work every time.

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  • 0 in reply to 
    I am still not able to install Groupwise

    Following the steps I tried (Windows 2008 R2, VMWare ESXi):

    eDirectory setup:

    - Create a new eDirectory tree
    - Tree name: GW2012Tree
    - New server object context: WIN-GW2012-NDS.Groupwise
    - Admin name: Admin
    - Admin Context: OU=Netadmin.O=Groupwise

    After installation of eDirectory, I have installed the following applications:

    Novell Client 2 SP2 for Windows

    Login to Novell client after installation:

    Username: Admin
    Password: novell

    Tree: GW12Tree (button "Trees" shows no trees)
    Context: OU=Netadmin.O=Groupwise
    Message "Cannot access tree or server"

    Message "Cannot access tree "GW12Tree""

    Message "Cannot access tree "GW12Tree""

    Which values do I have to enter for tree, context and server in the Novell Client Login Window?

    After installation of ConsoleOne:

    - On the left side is only the tree "NDS"

    - When I try to login (Button with the tree and arrow)
    Username: Admin
    Password: novell
    Tree: GW2012Tree (When I use the tree button, the tree list is empty)
    Context: OU=Netadmin.O=Groupwise
    Button "Login" -> Server not found

    Installation of Groupwise 2012:

    Groupwise system name: GW2012Sys
    DNS hostname or IP-adress of eDirectory server: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (= IP-adress of my server)
    User name: Admin
    Context : OU=Netadmin.O=Groupwise
    Password: novell

    Error 102. Authentication not possible. Check username, context and password

    Firewall is disabled
  • 0 in reply to 
    In my last posting I had a typing error: I used GW2012Tree in all fields (not GW12Tree).
  • 0 in reply to 

    eDirectory does not bind to, only the statically assigned IP address of the server. Perhaps use Telnet to check to see if port 524 is responding.

    Let us know how it goes.

  • 0 in reply to 

    Hi again,

    I tried "telnet XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 524" (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX = static IP of the server)

    Error message: no connection to server port 524

    The firewall is down and I opened Port 524 for TCP.
  • 0 in reply to 

    Hi again,

    I tried "telnet XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 524" (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX = static IP of the server)

    Error message: no connection to server port 524

    The firewall is down and I opened Port 524 for TCP.
  • 0 in reply to 
    managedata wrote:

    > The firewall is down and I opened Port 524 for TCP.

    So, if you go into services and scroll all the way down, is x64 NDS Server
    actually running?

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    The service is not running!
    When I start the service manually I see:

    Startung x64 NDS Server .CN=WIN-GW2012-NDS.O=Groupwise.T=GW2012TREE.

    After one minute I get

    Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

    Following the message in windows event viewer

    Protokollname: Application
    Quelle: NDS Server
    Datum: 12.12.2013 08:22:40
    Ereignis-ID: 6
    Ebene: Fehler
    Benutzer: Nicht zutreffend
    Computer: WIN-GW2012
    Service NDS Server could not establish control over x64 NDS Server .CN=WIN-GW2012-NDS.O=Groupwise.T=GW2012TREE.. (Error code shown as data).
    <Event xmlns="">">
    <Provider Name="NDS Server" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="49152">6</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-12-12T07:22:40.000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>x64 NDS Server .CN=WIN-GW2012-NDS.O=Groupwise.T=GW2012TREE.</Data>
    <Data>NDS Server</Data>
  • 0 in reply to 

    What version of eDirectory did you install?

  • 0 in reply to 

    eDirectory Version 8.8 SP 8 for Windows 64-Bit

    Installation file:
  • 0 in reply to 

    Perhaps you want to try the following:

    Manually run DSREPAIR from a command prompt.

    Change to the /Novell/NDS/dibfiles directory and type "../dhost dsrepair" and run a Repair Local Database.

    After the DSREPAIR is done and the database opens, restart the server and eDirectory should load properly.

    Let us know how it goes.

  • 0 in reply to 

    after "dhost dsrepair" I get a window with the title "PKI.DLL"
    Message: PKI-8.88-1 (-1471)

    After clicking OK the same window shows again with message:


    dhost finishes without any further messages.

    Starting the service x64 NDS Server


    The service "x64 NDS Server.CN=WIN-GW2012-NDS.O=Groupwise.T=GW2012TREE." on "local computer"
    could not be started

    Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified

    After system reboot:

    Service "x64 NDS Server" does not start automatically

    Manually start:

    Result: Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion (as seen before)
  • 0 in reply to 

    I am going to suggest that you post your eDirectory problems in the eDir forum:

    Over here, in the GroupWise forums, we are not eDirectory experts. Perhaps somebody more knowledgeable of eDir can assist in the relevant forum.

    Once eDir is running properly on your server then we can pick up on your GroupWise install.

    Let us know how it goes.

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