We've had this questiion come up from users as well. In our stores, they use webmail to access their Groupwise and on their regiisters, we have an imap-based notifier to inform them of the number of new messages. Note that this notifier does not open groupwise or read messages -- it just displays a number. Yet sometimes when a user sends a message to a store, sometimes the status shows as "third-party downloaded" and sometimes it doesn't. Is there anything in webmail itself that would trigger a 3rd party status? The folks at the stores don't use blackberrys or GMS or datasync to get the mail on their phones.
jgosney <jgosney@no-mx.forums.novell.com> wrote: > Danita (and others), > > We've had this questiion come up from users as well. In our stores, > they use webmail to access their Groupwise and on their regiisters, we > have an imap-based notifier to inform them of the number of new > messages. Note that this notifier does not open groupwise or read > messages -- it just displays a number. > Yet sometimes when a user sends a message to a store, sometimes the > status shows as "third-party downloaded" and sometimes it doesn't. *Is > there anything in webmail itself that would trigger a 3rd party status? > * The folks at the stores don't use blackberrys or GMS or datasync to > get the mail on their phones. >
No there is nothing in web access that causes this. It is only external processes and GMS/datasync. Anything using SOAP/IMAO/POP is included in that "external".