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GroupWise REST API

Good morning,
Customer is attempting to use REST to move a GW Resource, the Resource has a "/" symbol in it, for example: my/resource~ when they attempt to perform the move there is an error, which we are assuming is the issue with the "/" is there a way to encapsulate that Resource name such as in single quotes 'my/resource' or double quotes "my/resource"
Thank you for any assistance that can be offered


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    Good morning, 


    That is part of the issue, the Resource in Question was created in an earlier version of GroupWise (prior to GW 2012) back-line provided us/customer with a script that was supposed to sever that association so that the Resource could then be moved.

    The customer is/was attempting to run the script on that Resource, and that's when they are receiving the error, which again seems to be because the Resource has a "/" in it's name. Another Engineer suggested doing the following: "Cxx/Rexxxls" or "Cxx\/Rexxxls" so the command would look something like this, https://10.xx.xx.xx:9710/gwadmin-service/domains/BxxMxxO/postoffices/PO1/users/Cxx/Rexxxls~/directorylink


    The customer is going to be trying again today


    Thank you, 


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    Hi Daniel,

    If that doesn't work you could consider renaming the resource first to remove the illegal characters:


    curl -k --user admin:password -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST ipofserver:9710/.../rename --data '{"objectId":"RESOURCE.dom1.po1.Test Resource","newObjectId":"TestResource"}'


    In the example above the resource had a space in the name.  This should work with any other illegal character.

