We are already using the MFA license in our live environment and want to use the same license key for testing purposes. Can it be used simultaneously for both the live environment and testing?

  • What software you are using-    MFA
  • What version you are on-           currently running 6.4 
  • What operating system it is running on - 
  • Detailed problem description- We want upgrade 6.4 to 

We have created a new virtual machine for testing purpose.  We cannot upgrade existing live infra without any testing so we have create another server for testing purpose.

Can it be used simultaneously for both the live environment and testing?


  • Suggested Answer



    Disclaimer: I'm not an OpenText employee neither legal counsel, so whatever I'll write below you must check and confirm on your own.

    How license can be used is described in EULA, which can be found here and specifically for AA here

    In later there are descriptions for different license types and how they can be used (check license type you bought), but it is also this section:

    I hope this can point you into the right direction.

    Kind regards,


    Kind regards,


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