Delete files from vastorage

Is it safe too delete .iso files from  /vastorage/filr/filerepository/kablink/0/90/folderEntry_663323?

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    Whatever you mean by safe?

    Someone has stored this ISO file in its personal storage. If you delete it, then this account will have a problem. And there is another side effect: the operating database will be out of correct information, because you deleted an entry without database control.

    So my recommendation is not to do it ...

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    The best thing is to delete it from within Filr.  Have a look in the database and work out who's personal storage it is in. 

    Look in ss_folderentries and find the line with an ID of 663323, look accross and you will find the value of creation principal.  Look up in ss_principals that id and you will have the user that owns the file ask them to delete it. 

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    Also set restrictions on size, and ser quotas for personal storage so this doesn't happen in the future

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    Here is a query I use to return the 100 largest files in a system and their owners.  I don't have it set to just return personal storage files so net folder files will be there as well.

    SELECT ss_attachments.filename,
    FROM ss_attachments
    INNER JOIN ss_forums ON
    ss_attachments.owningbinderid =
    INNER JOIN ss_principals ON
    ss_attachments.creation_principal =
    ss_attachments.type = 'F'
    ORDER BY ss_attachments.filelength DESC
    LIMIT 100

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    Hi Robin. I am a bit lost. Do I need to find the information you referring to on FILR under the Administration option or do I need to SSH to the server? This is my /vastorage folders. Under which Directory do you find the ss_folderentries? They are using FILR4.0

    filr01-/vastorage/filr # l
    total 40
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 May 25 2017 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 Aug 24 2019 ../
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 May 25 2017 cachefilestore/
    drwxr-xr-x 2 wwwrun www 4096 May 25 2017 conf/
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 25 2017 extensions/
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 25 2017 filerepository/
    drwxr-xr-x 6 wwwrun root 12288 Nov 20 09:22 temp/
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 25 2017 velocity-ext/

  • Suggested Answer

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    Robin loves to work with phppgadmin as I do.

    So you have to access your appliance via 9443. If you use an appliance for your database, then connect to this one with 9443.

    There you will find phppgadmin, an icon in the second row. Access database filr; user filr - and you have to know the password. Now you can run sql statements.

    There were some (webinar) recordings to show how to do it. Hopefully Robin has the right links ...

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    Thank Diethmar and Robin for your advice. I will try these options.