Microfocus Filr als Speicherort hinzufügen (iPad)

Hallo an alle,

eine simple Frage, die mich jedoch seit geraumer Zeit beschäftigt:

Wie lässt sich "Filr" als Speicherort auf dem iPad hinzufügen?


Meine Dateien liegen auf meinem persönlichen Konto auf dem Betriebsserver, welchen ich von überall aus (PC, Android-Handy...) via "FILR"-App bequem erreiche.

Gerne würde ich nun auch vom Ipad aus meine Dateien nicht nur anzeigen, öffnen und verwalten, sondern eben auch bearbeiten und wieder speichern können.

Genau dies gelingt mir nicht - "Filr" wird zwar z.B. beim Teilen von Dateien aus der Dateien-App heraus angeboten.

Aber es wird in der Dateien-App eben nicht unter "Speicherorte" angezeigt, und auch nicht von anderen Apps aus (z.B. beim Speichern in der Word-App).

Danke für jegliche Hilfe!


- ipad Pro 12,9, 5.Generation

- ipad OS 17.6.1

- Filr App Version 24.2

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    Keine einzige Idee? Slight frown

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    There are a number of ways you can edit files on an iOS device, off the top of my head you can

    1. Use the content editor if you have Filr advanced, This can be accessed directly from the filr app. the advantage of this is that you can have multiple users editing files at the same time and it is more secure than other methods because teh file is not downloaded to the device.  This should also be able to be access through a browser.

    2. If the application you wish to edit from uses the common files dialog you can just open the file, for instance from Word I can open a filr document and edit it and save it back to Filr

    3. If you have a WebDAV mapped drive on your device you can access files from that

    4. There is an 'open in' option in the Filr app.

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    Hello Robin,

    I'm not quite sure if I understand Nick's question. I think he means that he wants to include the filr under files locations “connect to server”. Normally this would be with Webdav myfilr.mydomain.com/path

     My Filr is located behind a WAF, so it is very easy for me to run an extended Diganose. The first connect to the filer using the method from results in 2024:10:07-12:05:40 home httpd: id=“0299” srcip="xxx.xxx.xxx“ localip=”local ip“ size=”279“ user=”-“ host=”xxx.xxx.xxx.“ method=”GET“ statuscode=”200“ reason=”-“ extra=”-“ exceptions=”-“ time=”60959“ url=”/rest/“ server=”myfilr.mydomain.com”

    The first connect via the iOS applet “Files” is fine if the log is interpreted correctly, http 200 says so. Under “shared” in “files” you will then find myfilr.mydomain.com, the storage location can also be “ejected”

    If I want to add the filr again under “connect to server” after “eject”, the last user server is smb.//myfilr.mydomain.com which is definitely wrong and does not represent a webdav address. In the documentation for the current iOS, Apple itself describes that myfilr.mydomain.com/path must be set up as the webdav source. 

    Searching the path only fails after further browsing. I cannot yet say whether this is my fault. This week is unfortunately very busy with work, I think I can only present something on Friday what the error could be.

    Whether this is a bug on the part of iOS or I simply have too little knowledge, no idea at the moment. The only thing I can imagine is that the WAF can't do anything with the sitepath /rest. I still have to dig here. Then the fault is on my side. I can quickly check this by connecting the iPad via the local LAN which is directly in the same internal IP range. The diagnosis then becomes a bit more complex because I then have to work with wireshark and https analysis


    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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    Sorry, my German is not that good and I thought he was asking how he can edit files on an iPad.  My mistake.

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    For me it's my English skills that play tricks on me, sometimes I get the meaning wrong.

    Robin, please don't worry, your lectures and the way you present them are always well-founded for me, I often learn new things and expand my knowledge when I listen to you or read something from you. Thank you for that


    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei