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Filr dies about once a week


a similar discussion was started by over one year ago, but the solution to adjust

Filr Administration Console -> Net Folder Servers -> Click the Net Folder Server -> Synchronization Schedule
Filr Administration Console -> Net Folders -> Click the Net Folder -> Synchronization Schedule

didn't work. The problem in our system since several months:

Filr dies, I couldn't access web interface, admin interface and the desktop app couldn'd connect.
Trying "rcfilr restart" hangs up
The only solution is to restart the appliance.

I tried to restart the filr every night by using a cron job but this doesn't help.
In system log I don't find a proper entry that could help.

Is there any idea?

Or is it possible to "ask" one specific process if it's "living" once a minute and restart the server automatically?



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    Has anyone had an update on this? We've just experienced the same thing, all web interfaces unavailable and the desktop app can't connect. Rebooting the server gets everything working again.


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    I had a case open because mine died every Friday and then it stopped doing it before support could figure out a solution.  Ended up closing the case.  It did die one more time since closing the case, but that has been it.  And I've been too buried to spend time investigating further.  Hopefully they figure it out soon though.

  • 0 in reply to 

    I had a case open because mine died every Friday and then it stopped doing it before support could figure out a solution.  Ended up closing the case.  It did die one more time since closing the case, but that has been it.  And I've been too buried to spend time investigating further.  Hopefully they figure it out soon though.

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