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Filr dies about once a week


a similar discussion was started by over one year ago, but the solution to adjust

Filr Administration Console -> Net Folder Servers -> Click the Net Folder Server -> Synchronization Schedule
Filr Administration Console -> Net Folders -> Click the Net Folder -> Synchronization Schedule

didn't work. The problem in our system since several months:

Filr dies, I couldn't access web interface, admin interface and the desktop app couldn'd connect.
Trying "rcfilr restart" hangs up
The only solution is to restart the appliance.

I tried to restart the filr every night by using a cron job but this doesn't help.
In system log I don't find a proper entry that could help.

Is there any idea?

Or is it possible to "ask" one specific process if it's "living" once a minute and restart the server automatically?



  • 0

    Has anyone had an update on this? We've just experienced the same thing, all web interfaces unavailable and the desktop app can't connect. Rebooting the server gets everything working again.


  • 0

    Has anyone had an update on this? We've just experienced the same thing, all web interfaces unavailable and the desktop app can't connect. Rebooting the server gets everything working again.

