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Network Admin can not upload file

We have a network admin that can not upload via FILR to a Net Folder. He has full rights rights to the folder in AD. We have given him rights in FILR. What could cause this?

The only thing I can think is, he is part of two AD groups. One group restricts his ability to to right to the folder. The admin group he is part of, gives him full access to the folder. Could this be causing the issue?



  • 0  

    If you are talking about the admin user, they use the proxy user account to access files.

    If you are talking about an LDAP user are the groups used to asign rights imported into Filr?

  • 0   in reply to   

    Why does FILR think his rights are "None"? How do FILR to get the correct rights.

    CIFSOperations::FAMT_GetUserRights:[sid - cbbWoqt2NnP8goLqEKmtqw==] Rights for user s134574 is NONE  granular_rights: 0

  • 0   in reply to   

    Why does FILR think his rights are "None"? How do FILR to get the correct rights.

    CIFSOperations::FAMT_GetUserRights:[sid - cbbWoqt2NnP8goLqEKmtqw==] Rights for user s134574 is NONE  granular_rights: 0

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