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Support Tip: Troubleshooting why you cannot access Origins in ControlPoint


Some guidance on how to troubleshoot why Origins are not displayed in ControlPoint in a system that has been setup with integration to Content Manager.


ControlPoint 5.x


Unable to list Origins in ControlPoint when integration with Content Manager has been setup.

The dashboard errors.log was showing this error:

Exception happened when getting lookup values for 'TrimOriginName' using the type 'Autonomy.ControlPoint.Repositories.Trim.TrimMetadataLookupProvider,Autonomy.ControlPoint.Repositories.Trim, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=81c58253ad00f1b9'. Exception: System.Exception: Error connecting to the Content Manager dataset 'CD' on Content Manager Workgroup Server '<servername>'. The dataset with the ID '<id>' is not available. The cause is: An error occurred accessing database '<DB name>'. This database will not be supported. Error with SQL Connection: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53].


First ensure all of the pre-requisites for integration are setup:

1) User running CP CM Connector account must be added as trusted account in CM Enterprise Studio 
2) User running CP CM Connector account must be also present as a valid location in CM
3) User running CP App Pool must be added as trusted account in CM Enterprise Studio 
4) User logged into CP is a valid user in CM and has sufficient rights to view the origins 
5) CM Client must be installed on the box hosting CP Web Services AND installed on the box hosting the CM Connector.

Verify if the CM client can connect to the same workgroup server listed in the error.
If the CM client reports the same basic error as CP, this means the fault is on the CM side. 

Launch CM Enterprise Studio client and check the workgroup servers are active.
Manually restart the workgroup server(s) via Control Panel services.
Run the CM client again and check if a different error is reported.
This time the CM client reported the license had expired which is the real source of the problem.

View the License in CM Enterprise Studio client .This confirmed the Evaluation license had expired.
Extend the evaluation license and deploy the change across all workgroup servers.
Afterwards the CM client could login and connect as normal  and ControlPoint client was also able to see the Origins.

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