• Make the ability to add access controls as exclusive or inclusive.

    Currently you can only add access controls as inclusive access, except when the following are true: Records are based on a matter, Records are based on a client, Records are based on container, Default record access controls are 'referenced' …
  • Version 10.1 > 23.4 Security Model Changes

    The following support ticket mentions a new security model: OCTCR52O948197 DB - Demo DB shipped with product should be based on new security model Is this just related the changes created from the required step of running the Security Filter Conversion…
  • Make Access Controls available to be set for UserLabels

    User Labels have been growing in use and allows the 'Owner' to be set to a broader group. Currently, this allows anyone in the 'Owner' membership to modify items under the label as well as delete the label in its entirety. Funny enough, there are…
  • Dataporting: add function to prevent or ignore duplicate titles

    When importing using dataport have a command to either allow duplicate titles or ignore duplicate titles.
  • Add Record Type Changed to Online Audit Log

    Add the ability to track record type changes in record type properties in audit tab. Add the ability to track record type changes to a record to the online audit log.
  • OpenSSL Vulnerabilities

    Our endpoint detection and response solution is identifying a vulnerable version of OpenSSL used in Content Manager, with numerous vulnerabilities. (\ content manager\libcrypto-3.dll), (\content manager\libcrypto-3-x64.dll) Has anyone had any resolution…
  • Add a System Option or option in the User Types to Bypass Menu Options set on RT's

    At the moment when you disable one or more Menu Options on the RT configuration this applies for all users, including Administrators. To simplify the User Interface to end users it is generally a good idea to remove Menu Options from the interface for…
  • Allow User to receive and Accept a PII banner before getting into the Content manager application.

    Our Content Manager application (version 10.1.574) contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII) information. When a user launches the content manager application and selects the dataset, we need a banner to pop up that will display the DOD caution…
  • Need for "Multi-User / Multi-Threaded" Architecture For Content Manager in Enterprise Platforms Environments

    Growing demand for services within Enterprise organizations require that applications be flexible and dynamic to meet the needs of these organizations. Currently, some functions and features of Opentext "Content Manager" application does not have the…
  • Security field in Check-in Style

    There's no 'Security' (Official, Protected, etc.) field in the check-in style - so documents cannot save into CM seamlessly. (We cannot have the security set to a default as per a security audit determination.) This has meant that the Outlook folders…
  • Janus-seal auto security pickup in CM

    Does anyone know if there's a Janus-seal connector, so emails saved into CM automatically pickup the security level (ie OFFICIAL, PROTECTED, etc.) set on the email?
  • Can't edit Security/Access for some locations

    My teammate created a new location (person) for a new staff member and needed caveats to be added (I have permissions to add caveat, teammate does not). Oddly I couldn't edit the security/access of the newly created location. Going to View rights, I…
  • Non-admins cannot see new classification I've added?

    Hello all, hopefully there is an easy answer for this I just don't know because I'm new to this role. I've created a new lower level classification for the team to use. I made sure to match the Properties to that of existing classifications currently…
  • How can I find PII that may be stored in Content Manager?

    We use Content Manager as our primary CMS. I am looking for methods or ways I can search or otherwise locate/find/discover potential PII or other sensitive information within the documents stored in Content Manager. Thanks for any idea tips, or pointers…
  • Extend Exclusion function to Record Types

    Currently, exclusions cannot be used on non-record objects. From an administrative perspective it means that in order to restrict access to Record Types, administrators must explicitly include all locations that are allowed access to the Record Type.…
  • Future folder closed date

    Can we have the ability to set a future close date on folders? The reason for this is we have Personnel folders for each staff member and we are notified 4 weeks in advanced if they are leaving and it would be easier and more time saving if we could set…
  • Internal Location - Deactivation Date

    Please bring back the area where you can set the deactivation date of an internal user. It is no longer available in CM 10 and that is highly annoying. This feature is useful when you have Contractors or Temp staff so you can give them access for a certain…
  • Inherited Shared User Label Access Controls

    I would like to see the addition of inherited access controls for shared user labels. So a top level label can be created and have access controls applied and then any new label added underneath would inherit these access controls.
  • Enhancement Request: Update User Label default display from 'All' to 'Top Levels' when using User Labels to locate a folder or apply access control

    Brief description : When saving a document and using the KwikSelect to locate a folder, the User Label option defaults to display ‘All’ as opposed to ‘Top Levels’. The same issue occurs when using the User Label option to apply access control. This…
  • Separate out can be used for access control & can be used for exceptions

    We currently prevent the use of People type locations from being used as access controls, instead using the Positions or Organisations that they are members of, this however is an issue if we have multiple people in a position and only want prevent access…
  • Request to introduce to bulk update the default Record Access on multiple classifications

    Request to introduce to bulk update the default Record Access on multiple classifications. Currently it is only possible to update the default record access that are applied to records from a classification from the classification properties which limits…
  • System Admin can set the default option on the Access Control 'Customize access (Multiple)' pop-up

    Brief Description Ability for System Administrators to set the default option on the Customise Access pop-up that appears when updating multiple levels of access control Benefits / Value Allows admin control over what setting is applied…
  • Enable to validate what combinations of Security Caveats can be used when using classifications and markings as caveats, and be able to disable the use of Security Levels as optional System Setting

    The CM interface should not show anything on Security Levels when this new system setting is set. When using Security Caveats it should be possible to check on predefined valid combinations, eq EU UNCLASSIFIED, EU LIMITED (as classification and marking…
  • Find current users memberships with Service API

    Hey there, So I'm in a situation where I would like to query the current groups that a user is a member of (I'm not sure if these are just called memberships or something else like security groups?). I've noticed that the SDK has a nice handy function…
  • Policy for hierarchy: HP RM Positions/Persons VS Persons only

    Would anyone have a couple of pros vs cons on the use of positions/persons in HPRM/CM vs persons only? Our organisation is considering getting rid of the positions and only using persons. I know there are a few nuances and limitiataions related to this…