Idea ID: 2878809

Allowing the width of the Notes field to fit the form width

Status: Declined

This is a defect and is reported to Engg as such.

See status update history

In our older version of Content Manager (9.1), the Notes field was able to be resized and "Always display full width" would make the field the full width of the form.  Now, in our current version (23.4), it does not work.

We use this field to describe what is in our hard copy boxes, so you can imagine having a small field to look at with a lot of information in it is difficult.

I was asked to put this in as an enhancement request by the Open Text support desk.

Thank you,

Ed Sturgeon


  • Thanks, Mike.  Some of us were told this was an enhancement request vs a bug.  Appreciate you chasing it down with support.

  • Yes, I have had this reported and have logged a call with OT Support - 02888090-Notes field on Records Form does not resize.

    The support person has tested various versions from 9.4 up. He reports the behaviour appears to have changed in 23.3. He is investigating further, and I am awaiting the outcome.


  • Same here.  The Notes field is defaulted to "Always display fill width" (and greyed out so I couldn't change it if I wanted to), but it's still not showing full size.

  •   We are experiencing the copy/paste issue as well.  The latest patch is supposed to fix that issue which we have not installed yet.  We are currently running and the latest patch is, as far as I know.

  • We are dealing with the same issue, and it is frustrating to not be able to view everything in that field. Another issue we are now having is the inability to properly copy and paste into notes. If I copy from elsewhere and paste into the notes field, it will not save it unless we make another click on the keyboard (example: hitting the space bar after we paste). If anything already exists in the notes field when we paste, it will delete out the old notes even when we try pasting at the end of the existing notes. All of our issues have started since the upgrade.