Errors after upgrading to 23.4, Patch 2

We recently upgraded to CM 23.4, Patch 2.

While Patch 2 fixed the issues we were having, we've had a couple of new errors crop up.

With our EmailLink, we have one user, that if he sends an email to one other specific user, CM won't catalog his email.  It gets sent to a error folder with the message "Content Manager Workgroup Server reported an error.  This operation is not permitted".  If he sends email to anyone else, he does NOT get this error message.  If I send an email to the same individual, it is catalogued by the EmailLink with no problem.

Also,  I am getting this message from the server a couple of times a day.  I'm not sure what the error codes are.

Any help would be appreciated,


  • Verified Answer


    Hi Katie,

    The error "Content Manager Workgroup Server reported an error.  This operation is not permitted" is usually due to some of the newer security controls introduced as part of a previous CVE that was found. 

    The best way forward for this one, is when the user performs this save and gets this error, there should be a matching error in the workgroup logs - long story short, something involved as part of the save they probably aren't on the access control for (e.g. unable to set the Author of the saved email as the Author has a CanUse access control) 

    The workgroup error log should hopefully help inform the part that is failing this check but could be any one of a series of access controls that is the problem. 
    NB: One of the last ones that I had was due to a Default Value in an Additional Field that had the CanUse locked down, so the person couldn't create the record as CM couldn't set this default value.

    For the 2nd error around the 'Converting expression to data type int' - this isn't one I'm familiar with so may need to log a ticket directly with OT - unfortunately it doesn't give the table or expression it is trying to convert which would give us more info to go on.


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    Hi Scotty,

    The error never actually populated in our logs (which is weird), but I found where it was occurring.  Somewhere along the way, one user's location had the "Can Use" permission reset to only the Records Management Office.  I opened that permission back up, and that problem has resolved.

    I'll open a ticket for the other error message we're receiving.  


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    Hi Scotty,

    The error never actually populated in our logs (which is weird), but I found where it was occurring.  Somewhere along the way, one user's location had the "Can Use" permission reset to only the Records Management Office.  I opened that permission back up, and that problem has resolved.

    I'll open a ticket for the other error message we're receiving.  


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