In CM 23.4.1 Hotfix 3 - use default filters for searches for records - not sticking

Hi, we are implementing CM 23.4.1 Hotfix 3 in 4 weeks, 

this is a similar case to the: 

(2) use default filters for searches for records - Content Manager User Discussions - OpenText Content Manager (  

Basically, when we search for records in TRIM as admin or Knowledge worker, and under the tab FILTER, the option/checkbox "Use Default Filters for searches for records"  is ticked by default. 

Annoying thing for users to learn how to fix this, by unticking it every time they want to do new search. 

After I, as advised in above similar topic, "untick/uncheck the box" , save it (OK) then try new search, the checkbox is checked AGAIN! 

Is there a windows registry setting or something else that can regulate this/fix this?

Thank you

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    The search options are saved in the database. The checkbox is ticketed by default but the filter options the user selected as their default are retained if they choose to save them. The filter options do require at least one selection to be made for each type (Records - 'Disposition', 'Class' & 'Date File Within'). Leaving any of them w/out a selection will default to all selections which may be what is occurring for the end users. They will be prompted though if there's a missing selection when they try and save it. 


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    Thank you, somehow, we resolved the issue, it is related to a sorting descending the search results and those settings are now defaulted to everyone. Regards

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