CM24.2 - issue with setting up Office Integration Staging folder on OneDrive


We tried setting the Office integration staging folder on OneDrive with this path and format C:\users\%username%\OneDrive - My Organisation Name.  However, when I checked in a Word document, I got this error message 'The given path's format is not supported'.  A record in CM did get created, but without the electronic document attached. The OfficeCheckOuts folder also got created in my OneDrive but the document seems to be stuck there.  We tried enclosing the data path with double quotes "C:\users\%username%\OneDrive - My Organisation Name", CM returned this error:  Accessing Office integration Staging Path: Directory "C:\Users\username\OneDrive - My Organisation Name"\DBid\OfficeCheckOuts' could not be created.

Any advice on how we can populate the DataPaths registry value in a way that CM understands would be greatly appreciated.  

By the way , we raised a case with support but they were unable to help.

Thank you.


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    Hi Annabelle,

    From memory I don't think it likes %user% as part of the DataPaths override.

    For testing, can you try just with a single machine and try the users name set Explicitly? 

    C:\users\Scotty\OneDrive - My Organisation Name

    If swapping it back to %user% then gives you the error then that's the culprit.

    Easiest workaround would then be to possibly have a powershell script that runs on login and sets this key for the user in their HKCU substituting out %username% for their EXACT login instead.


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    Hi Scotty,

    Thank you for your reply.  The registry value on my own machine is

    C:\users\Annabelle\OneDrive - My Organisation Name and CM just doesn't recognise it as a valid path. m I think CM does not like the spaces.  I did try inserting the ^ symbol before each space and CM did not object to it.  However, Windows 11 does not like it.  It generated a Windows Security message: 

    Action blocked.  Your administrator caused Windows Security to block this action. ....

    Surprisingly, the Word document saved in CM but without the staging folder?



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    Please ignore the last sentence.

    With Windows blocking the creation of OfficeCheckOuts on OneDrive, CM used the default OfficeCheckOuts folder under AppData > Roaming . . . 

    Still would like the OneDrive issue resolved.

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