IDOL content search not working with other search options in the same query

any advice on the issue?

a search query is a combination of the content search and other search options which do not work such as number: nnnnnnnnn and content:yyyyyyy and do not return any results. Even the content services work properly and the content search functionality itself works fine.

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    Very hard to say anything about this without some more information. Any error messages you're getting like timeouts?

    It could also be that the combination of the 2 just don't match any records... Then try to search for a record number that is returned from the content only search to make sure that in that case you do get a result.

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    simple search query will return the right result as expected however it does not return anything from the combined search query and timeout isnt the issue here as it returned almost immediately.

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    I agree with Sander's suggestion here and the need to supply further information.
    What version of CM are you using?  Was this working previously and has been impacted by an upgrade ?
    If you go into the query itself what is the string query being performed,

    I just tried out against CM 9.4, and the string search submitted was in the forms below, which all returned the record as expected 
    idol:FFFFFFFFFFF and uri:165940                 - using IDOL query and Uri/Unique identifier
    idol:FFFFFFFFFFF and number:BA....            - using IDOL query with record number
    content:FFFFFFFFFFFF  and number BA.....  -  using content query with record number

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    Thanks Martin for your reply,

    queries above were exactly what users and I used to conduct the record search. we intentionally searched the actual content or unique word or phrase on electronic documents within the container. it worked previously. Several users confirmed that. your question has lightened up something that a patching or upgrade may have caused the issue. however, what i found last few days was the advance search queries have responded very intermittent in returning the different results, such as a timeout, proper results, no record found. 

    as for the incident, I may need to execute the compact process on the indexing database however i am open for any other options.

    very much grateful for your and Sander's response.

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    Thanks Martin for your reply,

    queries above were exactly what users and I used to conduct the record search. we intentionally searched the actual content or unique word or phrase on electronic documents within the container. it worked previously. Several users confirmed that. your question has lightened up something that a patching or upgrade may have caused the issue. however, what i found last few days was the advance search queries have responded very intermittent in returning the different results, such as a timeout, proper results, no record found. 

    as for the incident, I may need to execute the compact process on the indexing database however i am open for any other options.

    very much grateful for your and Sander's response.

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