Document queues and Origins question


I'm new in Content Manager so sorry for my questios if they are too basic:

- I have a windows folder with a lot of documents (doc, xls, pdf, etc.). I need Content Manager to ingest all of these documents and create records. Is there any way to do that as a bulk instead of doing it document by document? I have created a document queue pointing to the windows folder by I see that I need to check in each document one by one in order to the record be created.

- Is there any way that the physical documents stay in their source location (windows folder) and we have in Content Manager only the records and each of these records has a reference to the original document without uploading it to its dataset document store? This way we don't duplicate physical documents in our server.

- We are trying to using Content Manager as a complent for IDOL to cover some functionalities our customer needs but IDOL doens't cover, like arranging documents in virtual folders and exporting them as a bulk (including the physical file). Is there a way for Content Manager to ingest documents from an IDOL content server? or better, is there any way that Content Manager create records from IDOL but only reference to the original electronic physical file in IDOL source? This way we don't have duplicate documents. I have read about Origins in Content Manager but I cannot manage how to do this.

Thanks a lot,



Content Manager 23.4

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Christian

    Question 1

    To process document queues automatically, Content Manager has a document queue processor.

    You can also process a document queue manually by right-clicking it and selecting Process.

    • Content Manager Queue Processor is accessible from Start - Program Files - Content Manager shortcut group.

      Once activated, the Content Manager Queue Processor button appears in your Windows taskbar notification area.

    • Click the button to display the Content Manager Queue Processor dialogue box.
    • Use the Windows scheduling agent to set the document queue processor to start automatically.
    • Right-click the button for processor Start, Stop, current status, Options and Exit.
    • NOTE: Any changes made to an automatic document queue will be applied without having to start and stop the queue.

    Select no synchronisation to retain original document in source location

    Question 2

    Starting from CM 10 you can create document queues of type MIP (Manage In Place)

    Question 3 

    Manage In Place (IDOL Connector) document store

    This feature comes under a separate license.

    For this functionality to be available, the feature IDOL Connector Manage In Place option must also be selected in the System Options Features page and the Activation key must be entered.

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    Thanks a lot!!! This is very helpful!! With this I think we can use CM together with IDOL in our customer. Thanks!!!!