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Knowledge Document: Migrate data to new SAN storage



Connected backup version: 9.0
Environment: Standalone


Migrate data to new SAN storage


Below is the procedure for migration

1) The process of coping archives depends also on the available bandwidth. Please consider also that DataCopier does not only perform a simple copy process, it also populates SQL tables. That being said, if you have many archives to copy, you have to calculate also a certain amount of time for the database update.

2) No services have to be stopped.

3) Data Copier appends the name of an archive with "_moved" when moving files from one volume to another,  Data Copier will rename the archives after successfully copying the file to  %archivename%_moved. These can be deleted, they are left there in case there is problems with the new volume.(Manages all database required changes).

4) Data Copier creates it’s own log file during any operation, the location of which can be found by checking the path in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Connected\BackupDataCenter\DCMessageLogger\DataCopier" registry key.


Please use data copier tool to move the data from one volume to another. You should be able to find data copier under Data center folder on the server, the datacopier.chm file 

Here is the procedure for moving data to a new volume and removing the old one if you want to.

Adding new Volume (Assuming that the new volume has not been added yet)

Open DCMC, and select the server on which you plan to add a volume. 

Stop each of the services running on the selected server.

Right-click the service node and select Stop.

Right-click on the server node and select Properties.

Click the Volumes tab in the server Properties window, then click Add.

Browse to select a local drive, or type a UNC path in the Folder field. For example:\\server10\d$\

Click OK to select the location and close the Browse window, then click OK to add the volume to the server and close the server Properties window.

Mark the Volumes you are about to move to the new volume. "Read Only Option"

In the console tree of DCMC, right-click the server that contains the volume(s) that you want to mark read only, and then click Properties on the pop-up menu.

In the Properties window, click the Volumes tab.

Select the volume(s) that you want to mark read only in the Volumes list, then click Edit.

In the Edit Volume window, check the Read Only check box and click OK.

Click Apply.

Copy Archive Sets

You can only perform this task on a volume that is marked read only.

You can use the DataCopier software that came with the DataCenter install.

From the first window of the DataCopier wizard, click Remove a volume.

Click Next, the DataCopier - Select Volume window opens.

In the Volume list, click the volume IDs to be removed.

Click Next, the DataCopier - Summary window opens.

Review the contents of the DataCopier - Summary window. 

If the information is correct, click Next to remove the volume. 

If necessary, click Back to make changes in previous windows.

Use the DataCopier Status window or the DataCopier log to view the progress of the operation.

Note: DataCopier moves the archive sets from the selected volume to the volume or volumes on the server that have the most free space.

Remove the Volume

Perform this task after you are certain that all data has been removed from the volume. You cannot reverse this action.

In DCMC, right-click the appropriate server in the console tree and then click Properties on the pop-up menu.

In the Volumes tab, select the volume you are removing and click Delete.

The volume is removed from the Volumes list. Click OK.

NOTE: It is very important to mark the volume that is about to remove as "read only", otherwise you can lose the data and the data will not be moved to the new volume
Final Steps

Run Filesincustomersfolder.sql procedure to update volume IDs (this Store procedure is located on \DataCenter\DRProcs)

FilesInCustomerFolder Procedure:

1.)  Run the FilesInCustomersFolder.sql in SQL Management Studio)
2.)  Make sure the SQL service account has read access to the customer archive drive(s)
3.)  Run the queries below - no need to save results

use directory

Once completed use DCMC to perform one of the following tasks:

If this is a standalone server, restart all of the Data Center services. To do so, right-click each service and click Start Service.

If this is a mirrored server, locate and select this server’s mirror in the DCMC and restart all of its services, including BackupServer, IndexServer, ReplicationServer, PoolServer and Compactor.

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