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Support Tip: How to move a StoreOnceSoftware store root to another client or cell


First of all, please note that the newer solution for software deduplication in Data Protector is DPD. But apparently there is still a need for information about the StoreOnceSoftware solution, hence this document.

A StoreOnceSoftware store exists on a DP client which acts as a StoreOnce server. On this client there is a "store root" defined and saved into ProgramData\OmniBack\Config\client\StoreOnceSoftware\system.db or /etc/opt/omni/client/StoreOnceSoftware/system.db. This store root directory contains a directory "StoreOnceLibrary' which contains the complete directory structure with all files and directories used by the StoreOnce server. This complete structure can be moved to another client in the following way.

  • Stop the StoreOnceSoftware service or daemon on the original client.

    Remember to ALWAYS stop the stores first: Support Tip: Always stop stores before stopping the StoreOnceSoftware service or daemon

    Windows: sc stop StoreOnceSoftware
    Linux: StoreOnceSoftwared stop

  • Now that everything is stopped, the StoreOnceLibrary directory can easyly and safely be zipped together.

  • Move the package to the destination system.

  • Make sure the StoreOnceSoftware component is installed on the destination system, otherwise: add it.

  • Make sure the service or daemon is stopped on the destination system (see above).

  • Create a directory which will serve as store root.

  • Uncompress the package into that store root folder. The StoreOnceLibrary directory should be seen underneath the store root now.

  • Configure the store root on this client:

    StoreOnceSoftware --configure_store_root --path=<store root> --force

    where <store root> is the full path to the directory containing the StoreOnceLibrary directory
    Note that --force is required to keep the existing store data. Without --force, a new store root without any stores will be created!

  • Now start the service/daemon:

    Windows: sc start StoreOnceSoftware
    Linux: StoreOnceSoftware --daemon

  • The store root and the existing stores should be seen now:

    StoreOnceSoftware --get_server_properties
    StoreOnceSoftware --list_stores

  • Now it's time to change the device configuration in Data Protector. Open the Properties of the device in the GUI and select the "Store and Gateways" tab.

  • Change the Deduplication system to point to the new client
    Also switch the client listed in the drop-down field right above the big box with all gateways to the new SOS client

  • Select the store on the new client after clicking the "Select / Create Store" button

  • Add or change the gateways if required. Use the "Check" button to verify the connection.

  • Apply all changes

  • Test

That will be all if the store root was just moved to another client within the same cell.

If it was moved to a client in another cell then the problem will be that the DP IDB will not be in sync with the store. In other words: after creating the new device the same way as described above, the store will still not contain any slots when checked in the DP GUI. This situation is described here: Support Tip: Import an object from a B2D store. Note that the procedure described in that Support Tip may be scripted. By elevating a case, support will be able to assist you.

You may be interested to some of my other Support Tips too: Support Tips listed per category.


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