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Support Tip: Why is my B2D medium not deleted while it is unprotected?


It can happen that a B2D medium (e.g. StoreOnce) is not deleted during the recurring deletion cycle (or when running "omnimm -delete_unprotected_media") even while unprotected (e.g. after recycling). Why? The answer is most likely in the global parameter file where the following can be found:

# DeleteUnprotectedMediaMinimumAge=seconds

# default: 86400
# Determines what is the minimum age of the medium to be deleted
# by omnimm -delete_unprotected_media.
# If a medium age is lower than this value (from time of
# creation), then it is skipped by omnimm.

By default a medium which is only 24 hours old or less, will not get deleted. By setting this parameter, this time frame can be changed. When not set, the default is 24 hours and so a day later the medium should get removed.

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